¿Qué significa AVA ?
Nada en realidad. ¡Pero la simetría de las letras crea un logo muy bonito! Sin embargo, en AVA operamos dentro de un importante conjunto de valores fundamentales, por lo que supongo que se puede decir que defendemos:
- Pericia
- Comunidad
- Visión
- Integridad
- El aprendizaje permanente
¿Por qué el soporte técnico me pide que les envíe mis archivos de registro?
Hay dos tipos de archivos de registro que podemos solicitarle, generalmente si ha experimentado un problema:
Tipo 1: Registro AVA : esto nos ayuda a identificar el momento exacto en que falló el software y qué estaba haciendo en ese momento.
Tipo 2: Registro de fallas: esto nos muestra exactamente qué estaba sucediendo en el software cuando falló; a menudo puede indicarnos cómo repetir la falla, ya que a veces las tareas en segundo plano son las que causan el problema.
¿Está bien guardar directamente en un servidor desde AVA ?
Si bien esto es posible, no es un flujo de trabajo que recomendamos. Esto se debe a que, si se interrumpe la conexión entre su servidor y su estación de diseño durante un guardado, el archivo puede dañarse.
Recomendamos arrastrar el archivo desde el servidor a su escritorio. Luego, mientras trabaja, guarda el archivo pero en el escritorio. Cuando haya terminado de trabajar en el archivo, puede arrastrarlo desde el escritorio al servidor.
Esta es una forma mucho más segura de trabajar.
¿Cómo permito el acceso de invitados en mi Mac®?
Si desea permitir que los usuarios se conecten a un sistema como invitados, lo cual es particularmente útil al configurar un sistema que ejecutará AVA Digital Print Rip, debe hacer lo siguiente:
- Vaya al Menú > Configuración del sistema > Usuarios y grupos
Haga clic en el candado para desbloquearlo, luego haga clic en el usuario invitado y marque 'Permitir que los usuarios invitados se conecten a la carpeta compartida' (ver a continuación):
¿Qué idiomas admite AVA ?
AVA admite ocho idiomas y, aunque actualmente no admitimos el idioma preferido de todos, existe una manera de ejecutar AVA en uno de los idiomas admitidos, manteniendo al mismo tiempo el resto de Mac®OS en un idioma preferido.
Los idiomas admitidos actualmente son:
- Inglés
- Francés
- italiano
- Español
- Alemán
- ruso
- japonés
- Chino
¿Qué opciones de formación ofrece AVA ?
Haga clic aquí para ver algunos de los tipos de capacitación que ofrecemos, o comuníquese directamente con el soporte técnico para discutir más.¿Cuál es la diferencia entre los archivos ava3 y ava4?
El formato de archivo .ava3 es un formato antiguo y no guarda muchas de las funciones más nuevas del software más reciente.
AVA recomienda utilizar siempre el formato AVA 4.
El formato .ava3 se conserva en el software en ocasiones en las que se abre un archivo en una versión anterior de AVA que no admite el formato ava4.
¿Por qué han desaparecido todas mis ventanas flotantes?
Hay dos respuestas posibles:
- Accidentalmente presionaste el ícono 'Ocultar ventanas flotantes' en la barra de herramientas de la ventana de diseño. ¡Haz clic en este botón nuevamente para recuperarlos! Para evitar que esto vuelva a suceder, puedes eliminar esa opción de tu barra de herramientas.
- Mantuviste presionada la tecla Opción mientras cerrabas un archivo. Hacer esto cierra todas las ventanas de la aplicación. Para volver a abrirlas, vaya al menú Ventana y seleccione las ventanas que desea abrir.
¿Por qué mi sistema funciona lentamente después de ejecutar una actualización de Mac®OS?
Porque está reindexando todos tus archivos.
¿Cómo uso ventanas con pestañas en AVA ?
Minimise your screen clutter and take advantage of this Mac®OS feature within your AVA software. File tabs help you organise multiple windows within one application into one easy-to-navigate window.
Mac®OS Monterey and below
To switch on this feature:
- Go to Menu > System Settings
- Click on the General icon
- Change ‘Prefer tabs’ to Always
- In AVA, go to the View Menu and select Show Tab Bar
Now, when you open files into AVA they will open into the same Design Window, but will be separated by tabs, creating a clean and organised working environment.
Tip: To view all open tabs in AVA, go to the View Menu and select Show All Tabs
Occasionally, when completing some tasks such as putting a file into repeat using the Carbon Copy from Crop Box method, separate Design Windows may be desirable. You can split windows by going to Window Menu > Move Tab to New Window, or you can simply drag a tab out from the window to separate it.
To merge separated Design Windows, go to Window Menu > Merge All Windows.
DeleteMac®OS Ventura
To switch on this feature:
- Go to Menu > System Settings > Desktop & Dock
- Change ‘Prefer tabs’ to Always
- In AVA, go to the View Menu and select Show Tab Bar
Now, when you open files into AVA they will open into the same Design Window, but will be separated by tabs, creating a clean and organised working environment.
Tip: To view all open tabs in AVA, go to the View Menu and select Show All Tabs
Occasionally, when completing some tasks such as putting a file into repeat using the Carbon Copy from Crop Box method, separate Design Windows may be desirable. You can split windows by going to Window Menu > Move Tab to New Window, or you can simply drag a tab out from the window to separate it.
To merge separated Design Windows, go to Window Menu > Merge All Windows.
Delete¿Qué es una 'paleta de documentos' y por qué es útil?
Each document in AVA can contain individual and file specific settings in the form of a customisable Palette. This is ideal for storing dot gains, document specific filters, tools, selections and PDF documentation.
Not only does this create a streamlined workflow, but it also reduces the risk of you losing vital information during file transfer. In conjunction with the automatic saving of overprint and substrate settings, this palette can be used to retain all the relevant information relating to the file in one place.
Creating a Document Palette
- Go to File Menu > Show Document Palette.
- Build your Palette.
- Save the document in .ava4 format.
These settings will now be saved with the document and can be easily recalled, even if the file is opened on a different computer.
This Palette can now be shared with your colleagues.
¿Qué metadatos de un archivo AVA se pueden buscar en Spotlight?
A considerable amount of useful information can be attached to files via this window. It provides a convenient way to record details such as the author, company and the copyright details of individual files. These notes can then be used to group and organise your files, as the information is searchable within the Finder, and can also be viewed in the AVA Productivity Manager module.
Applying searchable notes to a file
There are two ways to open the Notes. You can either go to the File Menu and select ‘Notes…’ Or, you can customise the toolbar of your Design Window and add the above icon to it. A window opens and displays any information which has been applied in the Default Notes Settings .
The date of creation (not available in the Default Notes Window) is automatically recorded in the Creation Date field and comes directly from the time and date set on your Mac®. You can click on the ‘Today’ button beside it to set it to todays date or you can type it in manually. Alternatively, use the arrows adjoining the Creation Date field to alter the selected date.
The Notes will enhance your design management in terms of file location and exchange. The notes will automatically be saved with the file as long as it is in .ava4 format, and these can then be searched on using the Finder. For more details on this please see the Using the Finder to search for files and What is the Spotlight Importer and how do I use it? articles. If you use AVA Colour, you can use Dynamic Text to display the Notes in the Layout Window.
¿Qué significan los distintos íconos al lado de mis documentos abiertos en el menú Ventana?
When working with several designs at the same time, it can be hard to keep track of the status of each design, whether some have unsaved changes; some have been minimised; or some are just hidden behind others that are open.
AVA includes a number of document marks and icons within the software to keep you up to date on the status of your open files. This labelling system allows you to easily identify their status and whether any action is required.
The following document marks are displayed next to the names of files in the Window Menu:
- A diamond indicates that the document window has been minimised into the Dock
- A tick identifies the active document
- A bullet point indicates that the document contains unsaved changes
As well as the bullet point in the Window Menu, a dot appears in the close button of a document when it contains unsaved changes.
Proxy icons
The toolbar of all document windows in AVA show an icon of the document they represent. This is known as a proxy icon. If the document has not been modified, this icon can be dragged and dropped in a new location - just like a document in the Finder Window. If the document has been modified, the icon is displayed as greyed out and cannot be dragged until the document has been saved.
At any time, regardless of whether you have made changes to the document, you can click on the title of the document while holding down ⌘ (command key) on the keyboard, to reveal the path to the file.
You can then select a folder from this path menu and it will automatically open in the Finder Window. This can be useful for many reasons and helps for example, if you have double clicked a file in the Finder Window to open it, and have forgotten it's location. It can also be useful when trying to locate a design which is stored in the same folder as the open design.
¿Qué es ese punto rojo que veo al lado del ícono de la aplicación AVA en mi base?
El sistema de mensajería de AVA
¿Qué es el Explorador de archivos y cómo ayudará a mi flujo de trabajo?
The Filter Browser is an integrated window, allowing you to create and store different combinations of filters. These can range from creative filters to production process simulations to textures.
The possibilities are endless when you use the Filter Browser alongside our Palette technology. You can access the browser either from the Layer Menu or from your customisable toolbar.
To open the Filter Browser go to the Layer Menu > Filter Browser. Alternatively you can add shortcut for it to the toolbar of your Design Window.
The Filter Browser has three parts: a filter set list at the top; a filter settings area in the middle; and a preview and application part at the bottom. The size of the whole window can be adjusted by dragging the bottom right corner of the window, and the size of the top and middle sections can be adjusted by dragging the handle which is positioned between them.
How to create filter sets

Alternatively, you can click the + icon to the right of this menu. Both options add a new filter set to the browser called Untitled:

Changes to the settings will be previewed in the Design Window in real time.
You can add multiple filter effects together to produce unique results. For example, if we wanted to add a Blur to the Kaleidoscope effect above, we simply need to click the + icon near the bottom of the window:

When this button is clicked, the present filter will be duplicated:

Use the dropdown menu to select your next filter. In this case it would be Blur Gaussian:

Adjust the settings of each of the filters contained within the filter set until you achieve the effect you want in the design.
DeleteNaming filter sets
When you are happy with the results, you should name the filter set by double clicking on the work Untitled in the top part of the window. We recommend you've the filter set a name which reflects to effect it creates:

Naming the filter sets is important because these names also appear in the Brushes Library where you can paint with the filters, and apply the effects in a subtle way to specific areas as opposed to the whole file or within a selection.
DeleteSwapping the order of filters within a filter set
The order of the filters within a filter set will alter the overall effect. If you want to change the order in which they are applied, use the arrows located to the left of each filter.
Applying the filter to your design
If there are no selections in your design the filter will be applied to the active layer(s) over the whole design. If there is a selection in the file, the effect will only be applied inside this selection on the active layer(s).
To apply the filter effect to the file, use the New Layer or Apply buttons in the bottom right hand corner of the window:

- New Layer - will apply the effect to a new layer in the Layers Palette
- Apply - will apply the effect to the active layer(s)
Saving specific filter settings to a Palette
Palettes are a great way of saving a selections of filter settings to use in other files. The settings can be added as a new Palette Button or they can be added to existing Palette Buttons which results in a combination of actions which can be later applied to other designs at the click of a button.
- Go to File Menu > New > Palette.
- Click on the filter set you want to add to a Palette.
- Drag the setting handler located at the bottom right of the window to the Palette. This will create a button.
- Once the filter is added to a button in a Palette, you can edit the filter further by clicking on the icon to the right of the action:
- To apply this filter to any design, simply click on your newly created button.
Why is my Filter Browser empty?
The Filter Browser is empty when AVA is installed on new systems because the idea behind our Filter Browser is the user creates the filters themselves using the New Filter Set option in the Action Menu. You can also Save and Load your filters from one computer to another using the same menu.
¿Qué te dicen las ventanas de progreso sobre un archivo?
Cuando se realiza una tarea en un archivo en AVA , se despliega una hoja de progreso desde su barra de título para indicar cómo está progresando la tarea. Esta hoja se adjunta al fichero real en el que se está realizando la tarea, por lo que si se está realizando más de una tarea a la vez, podrás ver claramente qué tareas están en funcionamiento en qué ficheros.
Además de la hoja de progreso, AVA muestra un ícono de reloj de sol animado en la esquina inferior izquierda de su ventana de diseño. Cuando una tarea avanza, el ícono del dial girará como un reloj. Una vez que se completa la acción, el ícono dejará de animarse y permanecerá estático hasta que comience otra tarea.
Tanto las hojas de progreso como los indicadores de progreso tienen como objetivo recordarle que cuando una tarea está en progreso para un archivo en particular, no puede realizar otras tareas al mismo tiempo en ese archivo, hasta que hayan finalizado. Si el indicador de progreso parece haber estado girando durante mucho tiempo, o no puede acceder a otras funciones después de realizar una determinada función, mueva el cursor sobre el indicador de progreso y colóquelo allí. Aparecerá una etiqueta de mensaje para informarle si hay alguna acción en curso.