
AVAのデザイン ツールを使用すると、バランスの取れた繰り返しテクスチャを簡単に作成できます





  1. リピートするドキュメントを開き、デザインの 1 つのリピート上にクロップ ボックスをドラッグします。できるだけ正確になるように努めてください。


ヒント: 実際のリピート サイズがわかっている場合は、クロップ ツールをダブルクリックして寸法を直接入力し、クロップ ボックスを最適な位置 (重要なモチーフをできるだけ少なく切り取る場所) までドラッグするだけです。

  1. ^ (Ctrl キー) を押したままクロップ ボックス内をクリックし、表示されるコンテキスト メニューから [新しいドキュメントにクロップ] を選択します。
  2. 切り取られた領域が新しいドキュメントとして開きます。 [リピート ポップオーバー]を使用して、このドキュメントを繰り返します。リピート結合を編集するときは、2 x 2 リピートを使用することをお勧めします。必要に応じてリピートドロップを適用し、「フレームファーストリピート」にチェックを入れてください。これは、繰り返し結合を識別するのに役立ちます。フレームが編集の邪魔になる場合は、いつでもオフにできます。

  1. ツールパレットからカーボンコピーツールを選択し、設定ペインのソースポップアップメニューをクロップボックスに変更します。

  1. 元のデザインをクリックし、オプション キーを押したままデザイン上のどこかを 1 回クリックして、カーボン コピーのソースを定義します。元のデザイン内であればどこをクリックしても問題ありません。
  2. 新しいドキュメントをクリックして戻り、リピート エッジで正しく結合していないデザイン内の領域を修正します。

ヒント:修正プロセスを容易にするために、新しいファイルと元のファイルを画面上で並べて表示し、両方のカーソル位置を確認できるようにします。ソースの場所 (元のドキュメント上で十字カーソルで表示) は、クロップ ボックス領域を最初のガイドとして使用して、新しいドキュメントにマップされます。これにより、ソース クロップ ボックスの外側の領域からコピーできるようになり、デザインをより効果的に修正できるようになります。

  1. このモードでカーボン コピー ツールを使用するときにキーボードの矢印キーを押すと、デザイン内でソースが 1 回の繰り返しの正確な量だけ交差して移動します。たとえば、上から下への繰り返し結合で作業する場合、上または下矢印キーを 1 回押すと、ソースの十字が垂直方向の繰り返し距離だけオフセットされ、元のデザインのもう一方の端からコピーできるようになります。

    左右の矢印キーを同様に使用して側面を固定できます。ソフトウェアは、設定されたドロップを自動的に計算します。矢印を使って移動するときに道に迷った場合は、キーボードの Esc キーを押して、ソース ポイントを元の位置にリセットします。
  2. カーボン コピー ツールを使用してこの方法で作業を続け、矢印キーを使用してソース ポイントを 1 つのリピート エッジから別のリピート エッジに移動し、元のドキュメントから最適な情報を選択します。たとえば、リピート側の特定のモチーフは、オリジナルでは片面よりも片面でよりよく描かれていることがわかりますが、おそらくリピートのさらに下では、最適なモチーフはオリジナルの反対側にある可能性があります。この方法では、新しいデザインで最もよく見え、機能するものを選択できます。
  3. 繰り返し全体に満足したら、元のファイルを破棄し、新しいファイルを保存します。


Dodge & Burn Tool: Correct colours and tones in a design In photography, dodge and burn tools are used to affect the exposure of a design....

In photography, dodge and burn tools are used to affect the exposure of a design. In AVA, the Dodge and Burn Tool uses the shape of the selected brush, the pressure settings and the brush transparency to reproduce these effects. It can be a very useful tool to correct the colours or tones of motifs or areas at repeat joins where scanning has introduced differences in the design.

Select the dodge and burn tool in the Tools Palette or press O on the keyboard to automatically select this tool and open its setting window. The Type pop up bar displays the tool types of dodge, burn and sponge. These can also be selected directly in the tools window by clicking and holding on the tool. This way you can see which tool type is selected. You can also use your up and down arrow keys to change between types.

When either the dodge, burn or sponge tools are selected, a coating window will appear, in which you can quickly edit the settings:

  • Dodge - lightens the area you paint over
  • Burn - darkens the area you paint over
  • Sponge - changes the saturation of the area you paint over
  • Dodge 1st, Burn 2nd - will dodge the first layer you have activated and burn the second
  • Burn 1st, Dodge 2nd - will burn the first layer you have activated and dodge the second

In dodge or burn mode, the range pop up bar gives the options highlights, mid-tones and shadows. This controls the tonal range which will be affected by either of the selected tools. If you use the Dodge 1st Burn 2nd or Burn 1st Dodge 2nd tool, you can activate two layers and apply the selected options respectively.

In sponge mode, the range pop up bar changes to saturate or desaturate. This changes the saturation of the area that is painted over. Sponge mode only works on RGB Images. 

Exposure allows you to control the amount of effect that the tool has on the design. For example, setting the exposure to 100% would have the maximum effect, whereas setting the exposure to 10% would have a minimal effect.

Tip: The exposure can be used alongside the brush transparency to create a very soft, subtle effect.

The Movie



Gripping brush: For balancing non tonal textures or gripping particularly areas in a design. This function allows you to apply your Gripping with a brush rather than to the w...

This function allows you to apply your Gripping with a brush rather than to the whole file (or in a selection), this can help you to balance non tonal textures very quickly and with great control.  As the gripping is applied with the brush you could also use the function to apply a grip only to particular parts in a design.

Getting started with the Gripping Brush :

  1. Open the Brushes Library by double-clicking on the Brush Tool in your Tools Palette, from from the Window menu.
  2. From the dropdown menu to the right of the action icon (see below), select the Gripping option.
  3. Go to Window Menu > Gripping and set your desired grip mode and amount.
  4. Activate the relevant layers and paint onto the area, which you wish to grip using the Brush Tool, now as you paint instead of painting you will be applying your gripping to the layer(s) selected with the brush, see movie below!


Tip: By working with the Gripping Window open, you can quickly change the settings, and apply them instantly with the brush to your design.

Use a Palette to combine the brush settings with the settings in the Gripping Window. Doing this means you can recall your setup by the click of a button, rather than having to set up the Brush Tool and the Gripping Window each time. Palettes also help you store several settings, and enable you to switch between these settings quickly and easily.

After using the Gripping function it might be a good idea to switch the mode back to 'Brush'.

Double click movie to view full screen.



Stamp Brush Tool: Quickly develop and enhance textures and designs This tool is popular amongst engravers and designers who want quickly develop, ba...

This tool is popular amongst engravers and designers who want quickly develop, balance and enhance textures and designs.

Selecting motifs is very simple. Similar to the  Carbon Copy Tool, you hold down ⌥ (option key) to select the area you want to stamp throughout your design. Selections can be made in rectangles, ovals, by using a lasso, or by using current brush (setting your current paintbrush as a stamp). Once a selection has been made, the selected motif can be resized using the 1 and 2 keys, and rotated as you work using the 3 and 4 keys. Each click of the 3 and 4 keys rotates the angle by 1º. All resizing and changes made to the angle of the stamp can be reset by pressing 0 on your keyboard.

For anyone who is left handed, the [ and ] keys can be used to resize the motif, and the left and right arrow keys can be used to rotate.

  • Drag from centre - your selections will be drawn from their centre point as opposed to the top left
  • Snap to selection - snaps your selection to the content within the selection. This option is on by default
  • Set Source From Current Selection - sets any existing selection in the document as your stamp motif
  • Add stamp to Brushes - will add your current stamp into the Brushes library

The movie below shows you everything you need to know.



Creating a marble/stone texture It is possible to create a marble or stone texture from scratch using some creati...

It is possible to create a marble or stone texture from scratch using some creative tools. You can very quickly fill up a design or add texture using this method


Note: These steps are just an example of how we would create a texture from scratch and not an exhaustive list.

Using filters to create texture

  1. Open your layout file and magic wand the mask you want to work with
  2. Add a new 8 bit layer
  3. Go to View Menu > Filter Browser
  4. Add a new filter set by clicking the + (plus button). 
  5. Choose your filter from the list - we recommend using the Clouds as a starting point, as this is a great way to add texture and granularity
  6. Click Apply to apply the texture

Using existing textures to make brushes and build your design

  1. Open a separated texture file 
  2. Look through each layer and look for interesting areas to turn into brushes. For more information on how to do this click here.  

    We recommend making a few different ones to balance the texture and make it look less CAD created. 

    To make these brushes look even better, we advise to increase the spacing to over 100% and also tick Rotate while Painting to give a more randomised effect. You can also make use of the Pressure Size and Pressure Density options if you are using a Wacom tablet.
  3. Snap to the mask in the tile layout file and start to paint with the new brushes, building up texture.

Tip: To break into the texture and create a more distressed pattern, try swapping the black and white chip and painting in white. 

Further manipulation of the layers

There are many other tools in AVA we can use to further manipulate and build up the texture. 


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