When you have finished working on a layer, you may wish to prevent its contents from being edited further or changed by mistake by write-protecting it. By the contents, we mean the pixel data and not the layer’s origin, colour, transparency or other attributes, which will remain editable.
This feature is designed to stop mistaken editing and is not a security feature - it does not stop you copying from the layer or exporting the data. You are also able to unlock the data at any time.
Locking layers
- Activate the layers you wish to lock.
- Go to Layer Menu > Lock Contents. A locked layer is indicated by its pencil icon showing a red line through it.
Unlocking layers
- Activate the layers you wish to unlock.
- From the Layer Menu, select Unlock Contents.
You can still select a locked layer to use it as the source for the Carbon Copy Tool or Pipette Tool if it is locked.
You can also use it as the source of a copy command, but you cannot paste to it as this would constitute editing the contents of the layer.
The AVA file format saves the locked status of layers within the AVA file enabling you to lock a layer after creation and before you send it for engraving, digital printing or colouring and so on.