Layers Palette: Understanding the basics

Understanding the basics of the Layer Palette

This window displays layers, images, masks and colourways contained within a design. If several designs are open at the same time, it will update to show the information for the active file. Open it via the Window Menu > Layers. Alternatively you can use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ (command key) ⇧ (shift key) L.

It can be fully customised to suit your requirements, and also your screen space, which is even more important when working on a laptop! To do this simply go to AVA Menu > Settings > Layer Palette and click on the Show tab. Untick any of the functions to remove them from the palette, thus reducing it’s size.

Re-arranging the columns in the Layers Palette

The columns of information in the Layer Palette can be changed and reorganised so that they better suit your personal needs. The columns can be made wider or more narrow by dragging the dividing lines between them sideways. The columns themselves can also be sorted differently simply by dragging the column header to a new position.

When you are working in the Layout Window, the Layer Palette changes slightly, and includes a section for Annotations.

Customising the size of the Layers Palette

Changing the size of your layer chips

Changing the depth of your chips can be done either in the Layers Palette Settings or directly in the layers palette. To do this in the palette directly hover your mouse between the layer chips until it shows as an arrow icon with blue preview lines between each layer. You can then draw your chips to the desired size.

Hiding the layer creation buttons

Users of Colour Stand Alone may choose to hide these buttons as they are irrelevant to your workflow anyway. To hide them, go to AVA Menu > Settings > Layer Palette. Click the Show tab, and untick Layer Creation Buttons.

Users of AVA’s Create and Repeat products may also wish to hide them from the palette if they are working on a small screen.  In this case, the + button can be used to temporarily reveal the tools, enabling you to add, duplicate and remove layers when needed.

Hiding the substrate settings

To hide them, go to AVA Menu > Settings > Layer Palette.  Click the Show tab, and untick Substrate.

Unticking this setting will remove the Substrate section from the palette completely. This is useful to users who always use the same substrate colour, for example AVA Printing White. Once the substrate is set, hiding the it could prevent you from changing it accidentally.

If you change your substrate colour frequently, you can leave this box unticked so the setting is always accessible, but use the small disclosure triangle to  the left of the settings to reveal the substrate settings when needed.

Hiding the make visible/active buttons

These tools can be hidden, should you wish to reduce the size of your Layer Palette. To hide them, go to AVA Menu > Settings > Layer Palette.  Click the Show tab, and untick Tools:

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