Layer Palette Settings : Customising the Layers Palette to suit your needs

Only display the information you want to see in the Layers Palette

Settings help you to customise your software. They are very powerful, and each user should take the time to look through them and set them up. These particular Settings determine the layout of the Layers Palette and the layer information that is displayed in it. The window has been split into three tabs to clearly define each section.

Chip formatting

Select information to be displayed in the chip and define its size.

Colour Name and Number

Displays the selected colour name and layer number on the layer block.

Lab and CMYK

Displays the Lab and CMYK values for the selected colour on the layer block. If the colour does not have either set of values, no numbers will be displayed.

Image icons

Displays a design preview for RGB, CMYK and Partial Images in the Layers Palette. When this option is switched off, the smiley face image icon is displayed instead of the design preview.


Input step wedges for the colour blocks and they will appear in the Layers Palette (these can be different to any tones displayed in the Layout Window if required). Tones are calculated using AVA’s overprinting system and as such take into account substrates and dot gains. If there are no set values in the tones, no step wedges will be displayed.

Chip size

Sets the size of the colour blocks in the Layers Palette, Mover Tool and Colourway Browser Windows. Drag the bottom right corner of the box to change the size. If the size of the colour blocks are wider than they are high then the step wedges will be shown horizontally, otherwise they will be shown vertically.

Count from 

Allows you to specify whether your layer numbers count from 1 or 0. This also applies to everywhere else that uses these same chips; the Colourway Window and Mover Window.

Show chip resize guides

Allows you to turn on or off the resize guide lines on the Layers Palette. 

Layer text

Select information to be displayed next to the chip.


Displays the bit depths of layers and images.

Layer name

Displays the names of the layers and images. The default names are Layer and Image but these can be changed as required.


Displays the resolution in either dpi or dpc.

Dot gains

Displays the names of any dot gains applied to the layers or a global dot gain applied to the whole file.

Disk use (MB)

Displays the amount of disk space each layer or image uses.


Displays the transparency setting of the layers. The figure will be shown in brackets if a transparent colour is applied to a layer.

Draw levels

Displays the level of tone used on that layer when painting.

Drag and drop

Select a Drag and Drop mode to be used when dragging and dropping selected layer information.

Allow drag to change layer order (space bar overrides this)

This enables the user to change the order of layers by simply dragging them to a new pitch order in the layers palette. Unticking this option prevents layer order from being changed, however the user can override this by holding down the spacebar.

Spring-loaded documents

When you start dragging a layer towards another document, you will see the destination document spring to the front of all other open documents. If the Spring - loaded documents option was not activated, the destination document would not spring to the front of the other documents.


This option sets the amount of delay experienced before a document springs forward. Simply adjust the slider to make the time longer or shorter.

Dropped layers

Two modes define the resulting action of dragging and dropping layers between files:

  • Scale - if the resolution and size of the source and destination files are different, when you drag and drop a layer it will automatically be scaled to fit the new file, resulting in the use of multiple resolutions
  • Partial Image - when you drag and drop a layer or image into the design, whether it’s from another design or from the Finder, a partial image layer will be created. The design information will not be scaled and will appear just as it was in the original design


Unticking a box will hide that function from the window, and ticking it will bring it back. This is great if you are struggling for screen space, or simply prefer windows to be as small as possible. It also hides functions of the Layers Palette which you may not use frequently.

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