This is a floating window which displays all colourways within the active design as a series of colour chips, side-by-side. It makes it easy to compare existing colourways and experiment with new colour combinations while balancing a collection.
With the ability to drag and drop colours between colourways, re-arrange, add, delete and duplicate colourways all within this window, the Colourway Browser is a very powerful feature which can save you lots of time when colouring.
To open it, click on the button in the far top right of the Layers Palette, as shown below:
This will open a window similar to the one shown here:
All colourways in the file are displayed from left to right, with the colourway name and number above each vertical set of colours. Whichever colourway is highlighted in the Colourways Browser will be displayed in the Design Window. If you want to change the order of any of your colourways, simply click on the colourway number in question and drag it to the desired position, across the window.
Colour chips can be made larger or smaller by dragging the column dividers at the top of the window and colour names can be applied by switching on the Colour Name option in the Layers Palette Settings . Chips can be recoloured in all the conventional ways: using the colour picker, colour files and drag and drop.
The buttons at the top of the Colourway Browser allow you to scroll through all the colourways; to add new ones; and to delete unwanted ones. They work in the same way as the buttons at the top of the Layers Palette.