Geometric shapes can be drawn and placed accurately in the design because their creation is relative to the ruler origin. The Geometric Tools Window can be left open as you work so that adjustments and additions can be made in real time.
Drawing geometric shapes
Go to the Window Menu and select Geometric Tools. The following window will open:
- Rectangle - creates rectangular and squares at your chosen width, height and angle
- Ellipse - creates ovals and circles at your chosen width, height and angle
- Arc - creates a variety of arcs at your chosen width, height and angle
- Star - creates a variety of stars with your chosen inner and outer diameters, number of points and angle
- Polygon - creates straight edged, angular shapes with your chosen diameter, number of points and angle
Centre at Ruler Origin
Allows you to make the ruler origin the centre of the stroked or selected shape. When this is switched off, the ruler origin will be the top left corner of the rectangle enclosing the shape.
- Set the ruler origin to the point where you want to place the new shape using the Measure Tool.
- Select the type of geometric shape you want to draw.
- Enter the desired dimensions and angle of the shape.
- Click on either stroke or select to create the specified shape.
- Select - will apply your shape as a selection in the file, ready for you to fill this with a pattern or texture. You could also paint within this selection, or use the Paste Into function (Edit Menu) to paste something into it.
- Stroke - will draw your shape using the selected brush in the Brushes Library
- Apply - this option will apply the shape, measurements and angle in the window to the currently selected vector object. If you apply a vector shape, then wish to make changes to it, simply update the settings in the Geometric Tools Window, and press Apply. The changes will be applied to the existing vector shape.
Positioning a Geometric Shape using a specific ruler origin
- Set a new position for the rulers using the Measure Tool. To do this, simply place your cursor where you want the new origin to be, then, holding down ^ (control key) on your keyboard, click on the design. This will open its contextual menu for the Measure Tool. Select Set Ruler Origin and your rulers will update, making this position the new 0,0 origin.
- Open the Geometric Tools from the Window Menu if this window is not already open.
- Enter the dimensions of your desired shape and click on stroke. The shape will be drawn. Now press Select to make a selection of the shape.
- In the Design Window, double click on the Measure Tool and choose to position the ruler origins relative to selection.
- Enter the new location of the rulers. In the example below, the new origin has been set to the centre of the active selection.
- Make sure you deselect your shape. Go into the Geometric Tools Window and stroke a new shape. This new shape will be located 5 cm from the point furthest to the right of the star selection and 5 cm from the bottom point of the star selection.
Positioning a geometric shape at an angle
- Set a new position for the rulers by selecting the Measure Tool and setting an appropriate position.
- Open Geometric Tools from the Window Menu.
- Set the dimensions of your shape and click on Stroke. The shape will be drawn. Now press Select to make a selection of the shape.
- In the Design Window, double click on the Measure Tool and choose to position the ruler origins relative to the selection.
- Enter a new location for the rulers and press set. The new ruler origins have been set
- Make sure you deselect your shape. Go into the Geometric Tools Window and stroke a new shape. This new shape will be located at 100 mm from the point furthest to the right of the shape selection and at an angle of 45º from the bottom point of the selection.