This can be used in conjunction with the Info Window and rulers to accurately measure distances and angles. The Info Window displays the length (L) and angle (º) of any measurements made with this tool.
This tool is useful for checking angles in your design or the length between two points. This measuring technique can be used to check design parameters such as the screening angle and line frequency used on a screened layer.
Setting a new ruler origin using the Measure Tool
The Measure Tool can also be used to change the origin of the ruler. Normally, the ruler origin is set at 0, 0 (the top left corner of a design). You can move the x and y coordinate points from their normal position to anywhere in the design, or to set a radius and an angle to create a new ruler origin. This makes it easier to set selections and shapes within a design and it is particularly useful when creating Geometric Shapes.
Select the Measure Tool from the Tools Palette and then do one of the following:
- Hold down ⌘ (command key) and click in the design at the required point. The ruler origin will automatically move to the point where you click and the rulers will update immediately, counting from the new origin.
- Double click on the Measure Tool in the Tools Palette. A floating window will open letting you set the rulers origin at a position relative to:
- Current ruler origin - the 0,0 origin of your rulers
- Document - the design edges will be used to set the position of the ruler origins
- Selection - this includes an area selected using any of the selection tools or a selected vector shape
Clearing the ruler origin
With the Measure tool selected hold down ^ (control key) and click on the design to reveal a contextual menu.
- Reset - will set the origin back to the top, left corner
- Set - will set the origin to the point you click on when selecting the contextual menu