Transferring images into a Texture Mapping scene

Placing images into a Texture Mapping scene

wWhen transferring a design as an image into a Texture Mapping scene, you can use the same method as the one outlined for transferring designs as layers, although the process is made slightly easier because you do not have to remember which layers to activate. 

Transferring onto the image on the scene

This method is the simplest and quickest. It takes the existing image from the design file and transfers it directly on to the image in the scene. 

  1. Open the design file. 
  2. Activate the image.

  3. Click back into the scene and activate the image and the relevant grid layers.

Note: Before transferring the design, it is important that you have added a shading and highlights to the scene file, because once the design has been transferred, it replaces the original information from the image with the new design information.

  1. Go to Grid Menu > Transfer Draft. The design will transfer in repeat into the selected portion of the active grid.
  2. View the transferred design together with the shading and highlights to create the three-dimensional effect.
  3. Undo the transfer if necessary and change any settings required. Then re transfer the design on to the image.
  4. Repeat steps 2 to 6, activating each relevant grid in order. The design can be transferred to all the grids at once if desired.

    Several designs can be used and transferred to the image, just as with separated designs. Open each design to be transferred and activate the image. Make sure the image in the scene is always active along with the relevant grids.
  5. Once the design(s) has been transferred to all the relevant grids, choose Grid > Transfer High to give a higher quality transfer. If you have transferred several designs to the same image, you will need to select each design in turn before transferring in high quality mode. 

Note: This method may cause slight halo in the image if it is used repeatedly on the same selection without using the Undo command after transferring.


Transferring onto a new image

This method allows you to transfer designs to an image without the problem of halos and will not affect the original image. 

  1. Open the design file.
  2. Activate the image.
  3. Click back into the scene file and activate the relevant grid. The grid layer does not need to be visible and the image should not be active.
  4. Go to Grid Menu > Transfer Draft.

A new image will be created and the design will be transferred onto it. It may appear as though the original ‘scene’ image has disappeared, but is has not. The view of the original image is just being obscured by the new image. This is corrected by using a view mask.

  1. If you are transferring several designs into the file, repeat Steps 2 to 4 for each design.
  2. From the Selections Palette, drag the relevant selection onto the pencil/active icon for the image which has just been transferred onto the scene.

This will create a mask layer and you will now be able to see the rest on the scene behind the transferred design.

This will create a mask layer and you will now be able to see the rest on the scene behind the transferred design.


Note: If you have multiple grids in the design, we recommend that you make one overall selection which incorporates all elements within the scene. For example, in the scene used here, there are multiple grids and selections for the different sections of the dress. But for the mask layer to work correctly, all those selections were added to the scene at the same time, and added back to the Selections Palette as a new selection. This new selection is then used as the mask layer.

The same principle is often used when making the shading and highlight layers.


Transferring multiple designs to a new image

This method follows exactly the same steps as before, but allows you to transfer several different designs onto the same image, using the same mask. 

  1. Follow Steps 1 to 4 in the previous method, using the first design required. Only activate the grids you want to transfer the first design onto. 
  2. Follow the same method for the second design on the relevant grids, ensuring your new image remains active for each transfer. Continue the same process with any other designs needed until you have transferred your designs to all grids.
  3. Repeat Step 6 above to add the mask layer, ensuring you add all the relevant selections to the design before adding the overall selection back to the selections palette by using Edit Menu > Select > Add to Palette, or the keyboard shortcut ⌘ 7.

The Movie


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