It is possible to specify a different starting point for the transfer to begin from. This is particularly useful when you need to place a motif in the design in an exact part of the object or when you need to match the repeats in a design over a joining area on two grids.
- Activate the grid you are transferring into.
- Choose the Grid Selection tool from the Tools Palette.
Hold down ⌘ (command key) and click on the grid at the point you want to use as the start point of the transfer. A cross point will be added to the grid in the chosen position.
- Open the design to be transferred.
- Choose the Pin Tool in the Tools Palette.
- Click on the design on the motif which is to be the start point of the transfer. A pin will appear on the chosen point of the design.
- Go back to your scene and go to Grid Menu > Transfer Draft. The motif will transfer to the exact position specified and the rest of the design will be positioned accordingly.
- The motif has been positioned exactly as specified by the pin and grid marker.