Transferring weave designs into a Texture Mapping scene

AVA Weave designs are always created as an 8 bit indexed image. This may cause problems when they are used in other contexts such as within Texture Mapping scenes.

Therefore, they should always be combined to a new 24 bit image before they are used in a photographic scene or fashion sketch.

The following method adds a few steps to the previous method to allow weave designs to be transferred correctly.

  1. Open the AVA Weave design.
  2. Make the image visible and active. 
  3. Go to Separate Menu > Combine to Image.  A sheet will open with a choice of image options.
  4. Click on the 24 bit button and click OK

    A new image will be created in the Layers Palette. This should appear exactly the same as the original weave image, except that it is 24 bit instead of 8 bit.
  5. Make the new 24 bit image visible and active. Make sure the original image is not active.
  6. Click back into the scene file and activate the first grid. The grid layer does not need to be visible and the image should not be active. 
  7. Go to Grid Menu > Transfer Draft.

    A new image will be created and the design will be transferred to it. It may appear as though the photographic image has disappeared and has been replaced by the design, although it has not. The view of the original image is just being obscured by the new image. This is corrected by using a mask. 
  8. From the selections palette, drag the relevant selection onto the visible icon for the image which has just been transferred onto the scene. This will create a mask layer and you will now be able to see the rest on the scene behind the transferred design. 

    Colourway variations stored in the original weave design will not be accessible in the new image because it is a combined version of the design. However, the colourways can be recreated if the new image is separated into layers.

Tip: If you want to transfer a different colourway of the weave, simply view the relevant colourway first and combine it to a 24 bit image. Transfer the new 24 bit image instead of the original.

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