A bevelled edge is when a plank or tile has a slant to its edge. This produces a 3D effect and is very easy to create in AVA.
You can either create a bevel on an existing file or create a new file.
Creating a bevel on a new file
- Create a new document by going File Menu > New > Document
- Choose the dimensions as 3x9 inches at 508 dpi and add an 8 bit layer
- Click on the Vignette Tool and choose the option Shape dark to light
- Draw the vignette so that the edges of the plank are solid, and the tones get progressively lighter within the shape - this is what will give you the 3D effect.
- Use live mode in the Vignette to adjust the effect, you can also add noise or adjust the gamma curve as needed
- Add a new 8 bit spot layer and change the colour
- Activate both layers and go to Window Menu > Mover
- Activate the Filled Polygon Tool
- Start to move the right hand side and bottom of the bevel onto the new layer making sure to cut through the diagonals at a 45 degree angle, it should look like the image below:
- Change colours and set repeat as needed.
Adding a bevel into an existing design
- Open your file and create a new 8 bit layer
- Go to View Menu > Grid and set up the grid with Show and Snap to ticked. In the below example I have used a 4x4 inch grid.
- Use the Rectangular selection tool to select the first plank you want to create a bevel for
- Go to View Menu > Grid and turn off 'snap to'
- Activate your new spot layer and use the Vignette tool in Shape dark to light mode to create the bevel. Use the Vignette in Live mode to adjust the gamma curve and noise options.
- Add a new 8 bit spot layer and change the colour
- Activate both layers and go to Window Menu > Mover
- Activate the Filled Polygon tool and start to move the right hand side and bottom of the bevel onto the new layer making sure to cut through the diagonals at a 45 degree angle, it should look like the image below:
- Go to View Menu > Grid and turn snap to grid back on
- Set your file in repeat
- Activate both spot layers and copy the first plank into the second plank location
- Repeat for all planks
- Turn off the grid and adjust the colours to suit the design