Mover Tool: Cleaning up flat colour separations

Quickly and easily tidy up noisy flat colour separations

This function makes easy work of cleaning up dirty or noisy separations, particularly following colour separations done using Automatic or Auto with Create. It works by moving pixels from one or more specified layers to another. It is extremely useful when dirty areas in a design have not separated correctly and need to be cleaned up. 

How to use the Mover Tool

  1. Make all the layers to be cleaned up active and visible.
  2. If the window is not already open, go to Window Menu > Mover or click on its shortcut in the toolbar.
  3. Select one of the presets you have already created using the steps above.
  4. Draw over the area to be moved in the design with one of the painting tools and the information will change from the colours selected on the left (in the From column), to the colour selected on the right (in the To column).

Note: You can move pixels from more than one layer at once (within the same preset), but should only move pixels to one layer at a time.

The top section of the Mover Tool window explained

The top section of this window shows all the layers in your file. If any appear to be greyed out, it is because they are not active in the Layers Palette. In order to move pixels from or to a layer, the layer must be active. This section also includes the To and From columns. Specify which layers the pixels are moved from and to, by ticking the relevant boxes, thus creating a setup.

  • Clear - will remove the current setup from the selected preset, making it quick and easy to change that setup
  • The arrows - will swap the order of the selected setup

The bottom section of the Mover Tool window explained

This section is used to add and delete presets which are subsequently saved with the file when it is saved in our .ava4 format.  

Taking the time to build a library of presets will undoubtedly save you time during the actual clean up process of your separation.  To create presets, follow the steps below:

  1. Activate all layers in your design.
  2. Go to Window Menu > Mover to open the Mover Tool. 
  3. Click the small + button at the bottom of the window.  An untitled preset will be created.
  4. Choose the setup required by clicking on the relevant To and From columns in the top section of the window.
  5. Double click on the word Untitled and name your preset accordingly.
  6. Repeat this process until all setups are complete.

Note: Clicking and dragging your cursor over the presets will quickly show you all of your setups.

The Movie

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