Magnify Tool: Zooming into and out of designs and colourways

Zooming designs and colourways

This tool enables the design to be zoomed in and out, changing the viewing scale of the design.

Zooming in and out of designs and colourways

Zooming in

  1. Click on the Magnify tool in the Tools Palette or press the G key on the keyboard to select the tool.
  2. Move the cursor over the design. The cursor changes to a Magnify Tool with a plus sign on it.
  3. Click on the design to zoom in as many times as you wish. The viewing scale will double each time you click.

Zooming out

Move the cursor over the design whilst holding down ⌥ (option key). The Magnify Tool cursor will now have a minus sign on it.
Keep held down and click on the design to reduce its viewing scale as many times as you wish. Each click will halve the current viewing scale.
Wherever you click in the design, that will be the point at which the Magnify Tool zooms in or out, allowing you to be specific about where you zoom into or out from. With any other tool selected, holding down the space bar and ⌘ (command key) simultaneously will change the cursor to the ‘+’ Magnify Tool. In the same way, holding down the space bar,  and ⌥ all together will change the cursor to the ‘-’ Magnify Tool. This eliminates the need to keep selecting it from the Tools Palette when you are already working with another tool.

Tip: When painting on the design, just use the short cut keys listed above every time you need to zoom in or out of the design to make the process more efficient.

In addition to the main zoom methods described above, there are several other ways you can zoom your design. Each of these methods has its own benefits and is useful in different ways within the software.

Zoom while painting

When you need to zoom in or out but you are already in the middle of something, such as painting or measuring for example, it is possible to zoom in a different way.

With your chosen tool selected and your cursor already doing something important (such as painting), keep the cursor held down and press the ‘+’ or ‘-’ keys on the keyboard. This enables you to continue working as you were and also zoom in or out simultaneously.

Zoom into a particular part of the design

Select the Magnify Tool and drag over the required area of the design. When you let go, the area chosen will zoom in and will fill the window.

Fit to view

The Fit to View function enables you to zoom the whole design to the size of your current window.

From the View Menu, select Fit to View or press ⌘ 0 on the keyboard.

This function can also be used to fill the whole screen if you wish. Simply click on the green traffic light button at the top left of the Design Window and then choose View Menu > Fit to View. Your design will zoom to make the best fit of the whole screen, while staying in proportion.

Setting a specific zoom level

Enter a view scale in the scale options in the bottom left hand side of the Design Window. To set the scale to true size, select 100 from the dropdown menu. 

1632912039352-Zoom a.pngAlternatively, double click on the Magnify Tool in the Tools Palette to open the zoom percentage window. The current zoom level will be displayed.

Enter 100 to display the design at actual size, or enter any other % you wish to zoom to. When you click OK, the design will zoom to the chosen viewing scale.

Tip: To learn how to zoom using Apples gestures on a scroll pad, click here.

Viewing the design at fastest size

Fastest Size is a 1:1 ratio where one pixel on the design matches one pixel on the screen. It is said to be the best viewing scale for editing designs. The actual zoom level for fastest size depends on the resolution of your design.

Hold down ⌥ (option key) and double click on the Magnify Tool in the Tools Palette to set what is known as the Fastest Size. Alternatively, once you have customised the toolbar in the Design Window, click on the Fastest Size button and the viewing scale of the design will change to fastest size. 

View the design at actual size

Hold down ^ (control key) and double click on the Magnify Tool in the Tools Palette to automatically zoom the design to 100% scale.

Viewing the current zoom scale in the toolbar or zoom menu

If you have been zooming in and out of your design several times, it can be difficult to remember what scale you are working at. This problem can be overcome by using the zoom menu in the bottom left of the Design Window or the Scale button in the toolbar. 

Both options display the current zoom level and also give you several preset zoom scales to choose from when you click on the small triangle icon to the right of the %.

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