Resizing colourways in the Layout Window

Objects in the Layout Window can be resized using the Edit Menu > Resize option. The options are similar to those available when resizing motifs and designs. 

Users can choose to resize a selected object uniformly, which keeps the height and width dimensions at a proportional size, or you can resize it using the Other option, which allows you to resize the height and width dimensions independently of each other using either the horizontal and vertical percentage dialogue boxes, or the across and down dialogue boxes.

Using Edit Menu > Resize

  • Origin - resizes the objects frame from its top left corner
  • Centre - resizes the objects frame from its centre
  • Resize Contents - resizes the colourway and its frame proportionally

Using the Size function in the Layout Window

The Size window is used to specify the dimensions of objects on the page within the Layout Window.

Click on a colourway (or other object such as a shape) and choose Layout Menu > Size, or click on the Size button in the toolbar.

The window which opens is divided into two tabs:

  • Selected Colourways - the width and height shown in this section are taken from the dimensions of the selected colourway object. New width or height measurements entered here are applied to the selected colourway objects. The ‘Set for New Colourways’ button copies the settings from the ‘Selected Colourways’ window to the New Colourways window and uses them as the default setting for new colourways which you add to the page.

    If you want the colourway size to be the same as the full document size, click ‘Set from Document’.

    If no object is selected when you open the Size settings, the fields in the Selected Colourways tab are not editable.

  • New Colourways - these settings determine the size that new colourways are created at when added to the page. If the option to ‘Create new colourways at document size’ is selected, the width and height fields are ignored and the colourway is created at the document size.

Note: When you change the size, the active colourway update to adopt the changes made in this window, but the scale of the design stays the same.

Freehand resizing

When you change the size, the active colourway update to adopt the changes made in this window, but the scale of the design stays the same.

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