Several colourway objects can be selected at the same time in order to move or delete them. A colourway object is: a colourway; a colourway title; a text item; a colour chip; colourway palettes and colourway numbers.
There are several ways of selecting / deselecting the objects on the page:
- go to Edit Menu > Select All, or use the shortcut ⌘ A. This will select all objects on the page.
- go to Edit Menu > Select > None, or use the shortcut ⌘ D. This will deselect all objects on the page.
- go to Edit Menu > Select > Inverse to select the inverse of the current selection of objects.
- select the Origin Tool in the Tools Palette and click once on an object.
This will select the object, and if the object is a colourway, it will also select its associates, for example the colour palette, colour chips, colourway number and title. The selection is notable by the nodes which appear around each object. In the snapshot below these are shown in green.
Drag a box over one or more objects to select them. Start dragging in the white page area and then move over the objects. All those objects touched by the selection box will become selected.
Click on the white area of the page to deselect everything.
Adding to your selections
You can use the ⇧ (shift key) (⌘ (command key)) to add objects to your selection.
- Click on a colourway to select it. Hold down ⇧ (shift key) and click on another object to add it to the selection
- Hold down ⇧ (shift key) and drag a box over certain objects to add these objects to the previously selected ones
Moving multiple colourway objects
Once you have selected the objects you wish to move, they can be dragged to the desired position. Simply click inside one of the selected objects and all of the selected items will move with it.
Changing the colourway of multiple objects
It is possible to change the colourway number displayed in multiple colourway objects. This can be useful when displaying separated layers in individual colourways, such as when having tiled them over the page. Select all of the relevant colourway objects and choose the desired colourway number.
Deleting multiple colourway objects
Once you have selected the objects you wish to delete, press ⌫ (backspace key) on the keyboard to delete all the objects at once.
Resizing multiple colourway palettes
Several colour palettes can be selected and resized at the same time, in the same way as colourways themselves. Make sure nothing is selected to begin with, then click on a colour palette and hold down ⇧ (shift key) and click on another colour palette. Include as many colour palettes to your selection as required by clicking on them while holding down ⇧ (shift key). Position your cursor over one of the active nodes and drag bigger or smaller. All of the colour palettes will resize at the same time.