Vectors can be created and edited using the basic vector tools in the Tools Palette, however there are many other ways that vectors can be added to your designs.
Rectangles, ellipses, arcs, stars and regular polygons can be created using the Geometric Tools. They can be placed in accurate positions as their creation is relative to the ruler origin. They can also be created at any angle.
- Activate a vector layer in the Layers Palette.
- Select the Measure Tool in the Tools Palette, hold down ⌘ (command key) and click on the design in the position you wish to add your vector shape. You will notice the ruler origin changes to position the 0,0 origin at the point selected.
- Go to Window Menu > Geometric Tools. The following window will open:
- Click on the relevant tab for the type of shape you want to draw and enter the required dimensions and characteristics. Then click either Stroke or Select.
Stroke – creates a vector of the chosen shape
Select – makes a selection of the chosen shape
Stroke – creates a vector of the chosen shape
- Change the ruler origin again and click Stroke to make more shapes with the same characteristics in different places in the design.
Making changes to geometric shapes
Once you have created the shapes you need, if you need to go back and alter any of them, this can be done by highlighting a vector shape with the Select Vector Tool, making the necessary adjustments to size, angle or type in the Geometric Tools Window, and then clicking the Apply button. The changes will be applied to the active shape instantly.