AVA offers a range of shape tools which are used to create a variety of different filled and outline shapes. They are split into two sections, the first set create solid, filled shapes and the second set, accessed through clicking and holding down on the respective tool, create outline shapes.
Filled Rectangle Tool
The Filled Rectangle Tool draws solid rectangular and square shapes. Click on this tool in the Tools Palette or press Q on the keyboard to automatically select this tool. Drag a box of the required size to create a filled rectangle shape, or hold down ⇧ (shift key) as you drag the cursor to create a perfect square.
When this tool is selected a settings window opens, giving you the option to ‘Drag objects from centre’. With this option ticked, your shapes will be drawn from their centre point as opposed to the top left hand corner.
Hold down ^ (control key) and click in the design with this tool selected to set a specific size for your rectangle or square.
Outline Rectangle Tool
Draws outlines of rectangles and squares. Click and hold on the Filled Rectangle Tool to open its options and select Outlined Rectangle Tool. Drag a box of the required size to create an outline rectangle, or hold down ⇧ (shift key) as you drag to create a perfect square.
When this tool is selected, the same settings window described above opens, giving you the option to ‘Drag objects from centre’.
Double click on the Outline Rectangle Tool in the Tools Palette to set the thickness of the outline. This will be the size used for the outline rectangle, oval, and arc tools.
Hold down ^ (control key) and click in the design with this tool selected to set a specific size for your rectangle or square.