Free Rotate Tool: Rotating selections and Partial Images by hand

Freehand rotation of layers and motifs

Selections and Partial Images can be rotated in real time using this tool. You can rotate around pins, and view the angle of rotation in the Info Window. 

How to use the Free Rotate Tool

  1. Select a motif with one of the selection tools.
  2. From the Window Menu, select Info. This will display the angle of rotation once you begin rotating.
  3. Select the Free Rotate Tool in the Tools Palette or press the R key on the keyboard.
  4. A box will appear around the selection, with visible nodes at each corner. When you move the cursor over the four inner nodes, you will see the cursor icon change to the rotate cursor. The four outer nodes (resize handles) are used to resize the selected motif. The four inner nodes are used to rotate the motif.
  5. Click down on one of the inner nodes and drag round in a circular motion. As you drag you will see the angle measured in the Info Window change.
  6. Release the cursor and the motif will rotate to the new angle. You can move the rotated selection by clicking inside it and dragging to a new position whilst keeping the mouse or pen held down. A single click within the object will deselect it. Clicking outside it will not affect the selection.

Note: Do not use this method to rotate a whole file, only use it with selections.

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