Adding a frame to colourways in the Layout Window

Make your colourways stand out on the page

Adding a frame to a colourway can really make it stand out on the page, and adding frames in the Layout Window is very easy. The width and colour of the frames around each colourway can be set independently and the colours used will be colour matched when printed, just like your designs!

  1. Use the Selected Tool to click on the object(s) you want to frame.  Doing this will activate the object.

    1627988787765-Layout Tools_a.png
  2. From the Layout Menu, select Frame, or click on the Frame tab in the Inspector window to open the options:

    1628086625611-Frame Colourways_b.png
  3. Set the width for the Inner and Outer frames and choose their colours by option clicking or double clicking on the colour chips in this window.
  4. Click on 'Reset from default' if you wish to apply the previously saved default settings to the selected objects. If you wish to make your current settings the new default settings (which will be used for all new objects), click on 'Set as default'. Any new colourways added to the Layout Window after this will use this default setting.
  5. Click OK to apply the changes to the selected colourway.

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