Saving and sharing product profiles using our Palette Technology

Sharing product profiles from the 3D Designer Window

You can save your structure profiles using as a Palette, meaning they can be recalled at anytime using the click of a button. Recording settings as Palette Buttons is a massive time saving way to work, and they are easy to set up. 

  1. Create your product profile using the settings explained in the 3D Designer product profiles: Achieving accurate product simulations in AVA article.
  2. Go to File Menu > New > Palette. This will open a new Palette for you to store your product profiles in.
  3. Drag the handler from the profile window to the Palette.
  4. Double click the action button you have just created and give it an appropriate name. For example; LTV, Blown Vinyl, or Flock.
  5. Copy and paste an icon into this pane to further personalise the action button.

Note: We recommend icons be no larger than 200 pixels. Large icons can increase the size of the palette considerably.

  1. Save the Palette. We recommend you create a ‘Palettes’ folder inside Documents / AVA. You can now apply these structure profiles to any document simply by opening the 3D Designer Window, and clicking on the relevant button in the Palette. 

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