The Search Window in ColourSys performs a search on the active colour file, based on a specified colour, and lists the colours in order of closeness to the chosen colour, measured in delta-e (dE) difference.
Searching for colours
- Click on a colour file to make it active.
- Go to Colour Menu > Search Window…
A new window will open containing all the colours in the active colour file. - Drag a colour from any colour file into the top section of the Search Window. A search will be performed on the active colour file, listing the colours in the Search Window in order of closeness to the chosen colour, measured in dE difference.
- Select a colour and drag it to the Layer Palette to use this colour in your design.
Alternatively, you can ⌥ (option key) click on the colour chip at the top of the Search Window and use the AVA Multiview Picker to search for colours in your active colour file.