Setting up a print queue in the AVA Digital Print Rip

Make sure that the printer is turned on, and ready to print. As well as being connected to the rip station.

Setting up the print queue

The ability to queue print files enables users to control their time and projects more efficiently. To create a new Print Queue go to File Menu > Open Print Queue… and select the print queue folder. This folder needs to have been pre-made and can exist anywhere on the server. It must also have read and write privileges applied to it.

Advantages of the Print Queue 

  • The ability to view the list of print files waiting in the Print Queue. 
  • Previews of your print file
  • The name of the current ink setting being used is displayed at the bottom of the window.
  • The name of the print queue and the printer type used are displayed in the title bar at the top of the window. If you hold down the ⌘ key and click on the folder icon in the toolbar, it reveals the location of your print queue making it easy to locate and access.
  • The priorities of print files can be changed so that a more urgent prints can be sent straight away instead of waiting for it to reach its position through the queue. Simply drag each print file to its preferred position. A thin line appears to indicate the new position.
  • Individual jobs can be printed immediately. To do this, highlight the print file and click on the print button in the toolbar. The file will print and override the queuing order.

  • The ability to customize the toolbar. The first time you see the Print Queue Window, it will not contain all of the buttons available. Click on the customize icon in order to view the items available and change those selected. To add a button to the Print Queue Window, drag it to the tool bar, repeating as necessary, then click the done button in the bottom right hand corner.
  • The ability to start and stop the queue, just by clicking on the Start Queue or Stop Queue button. If you click on Start Queue, the spooled file is at the top of the list is printed. Once printed it is automatically removed from the list.
  • Any print files can be deleted at any time whilst in the Print Queue Window, but only one can be deleted at a time. Highlight a print file and click on the delete icon.
  • Set and control the colour separation settings. Click on the Colour Separation button in the tool bar and a sheet opens where you can set all generic items such as ink setting, ink level, dither pattern, dither scale and minimum low tone percentage.

  • Control and change the printer settings. Click on the Printer Settings button and a window appears which enables you to change the number of passes, or heater settings, etc. The settings in the window will change, depending on which printer you are printing to.

Note: The Printer Settings can only be accessed and changed when the queue is stopped.

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