Fault Finder: Identify and correct faults within a texture ahead of production

Prevent costly engraving errors by finding and fixing faults using the 3D Designer Window

The 3D Designer Window is ideal for fault finding ahead of production.  This is not only saves time, but most importantly it saves money.

It is important to note that we strongly recommend having a dedicated GPU when using the 3D Designer Window. Whilst 3D Designer may work on integrated GPU’s, we do not guarantee any level of usability on this hardware. We have taken this decision to allow us to utilise the power of these GPU’s to improve the quality of the lighting in the simulation. 

To find out if your Mac® has an integrated or dedicated GPU, please go to  Menu > About This Mac®. Click on System Report, and select Graphics/Displays on the left hand side of the window.’ You will see the make and model of your GPU(s). If you have only one, and it is made by Intel, unfortunately you have an integrated GPU and may need to upgrade your hardware to have satisfactory performance whilst using 3D Designer. Please contact AVA Technical Support for further information.


  1. Go to our Downloads Page and download the Functions Palette containing the Fault Finder button.

    1646306328603-Fault Finder a.png
  2. Open your document.
  3. Make visible and active the layer you wish to fault check.  Depending on the contents of your file, this may be either the height map or the gloss layer, or indeed both.
  4. Identify the area you want to view in the 3D Designer Window by drawing a box around it with the Structure Simulation Tool.
  5. Go to Window Menu > 3D Designer . The following window will open:

  6. In the window, make the structure layer active and invisible.  This will make fault finder easier.

  7. Place the Design Window and the 3D Designer Window side by side.
  8. Click on the action button in the tool bar of the 3D Designer Window to display the following options:
  9. Tick Display Mouse Position.

  10. Now, when you hover your cursor over the Design Window, a cursor will appear in a relative position in the 3D Designer Window.

  11. Click the Fault Finder button in the Functions Palette to activate the tool. This will add a red layer to your file, and will set your tool to the create a hollow circular brush, then hover over your design until you see a fault.  When you see and are which requires attention, click on it. This will circle the area which needs to be edited.

It can be useful to use pins to mark out the areas which need to be edited. Simply select the Pin Tool from the Tools Palette, and click on each part which requires attention. Add multiple pins by holding down ⇧ (shift key) whilst clicking in the document.


  1. Go to our Downloads Page and download the Functions Palette containing the Fault Finder button.

  2. Open your document.
  3. Make visible and active the layer you wish to fault check.  Depending on the contents of your file, this may be either the height map or the gloss layer, or indeed both.
  4. Identify the area you want to view in the 3D Designer Window Window by drawing a box around it with the 3D Designer Tool.
  5. Go to Window Menu > 3D Designer. The following window will open:

  6. In the window, make the structure layer active and invisible. This will make fault finder easier.

  7. Place the Design Window and the 3D Designer Window side by side.
  8. Click on the action button in the tool bar of the 3D Designer Window to display the following options:

  9. Tick Display Mouse Position.

  10. Now, when you hover your cursor over the Design Window, a cursor will appear in a relative position in the Structure Simulation Window.

  11. Click the Fault Finder button in the Functions Palette to activate the tool. This will add a red layer to your file, and will set your tool to the create a hollow circular brush, then hover over your design until you see a fault. When you see and are which requires attention, click on it. This will circle the area which needs to be edited.

    It can be useful to use pins to mark out the areas which need to be edited. Simply select the Pin Tool from the Layer Palette, and click on each part which requires attention. Add multiple pins by holding down ⇧ (shift key) on the keyboard whilst clicking in the document.


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  1. Go to our Downloads Page and download the Functions Palette containing the Fault Finder button.

    1646306328603-Fault Finder a.png
  2. Open your document.
  3. Make visible and active the layer you wish to fault check.  Depending on the contents of your file, this may be either the height map or the gloss layer, or indeed both.
  4. Identify the area you want to view in the 3D Designer Window by drawing a box around it with the Structure Simulation Tool.
  5. Go to Window Menu > 3D Designer.  The following window will open:

  6. In the window, make the structure layer active and invisible.  This will make fault finder easier.

  7. Place the Design Window and the 3D Designer Window side by side.

  8. Click on the action button in the tool bar of the 3D Designer Window to display the following options:

  9. Tick Display Mouse Position.

  10. Now, when you hover your cursor over the Design Window, a cursor will appear in a relative position in the Structure Simulation Window.

  11. Click the Fault Finder button in the Functions Palette to activate the tool. This will add a red layer to your file, and will set your tool to the create a hollow circular brush, then hover over your design until you see a fault. When you see and are which requires attention, click on it. This will circle the area which needs to be edited.

    It can be useful to use pins to mark out the areas which need to be edited. Simply select the Pin Tool from the Layer Palette, and click on each part which requires attention. Add multiple pins by holding down ⇧ (shift key) on the keyboard whilst clicking in the document.

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