It is incredibly useful to log information from the AVA Digital Print Rip to Productivity Manager, it allows users to log not only their print settings and check for any errors, but also monitor ink usage.
Setting up the Rip to log information to Productivity Manager
- Go to the AVA Digital Print Rip Menu > Settings .
- Tick Log to Productivity Manager.
- If Productivity Manager is running on this Mac®, or a Mac® on the same network, it will appear in the list. Select it in the pane, highlighted yellow below, and close the window. If the application is running on a different network, you will need to use the Alternation URL setting.
- Enter Your ID. Again, this can be anything, but should be descriptive of the computer the information is coming from. For example, if you have 3 print servers, and enter the ID as Print Server on all of them, it would be impossible to distinguish between the 3 of them in the Productivity Manager application. Suggested ID’s would be Print Server 1, Print Server 2, or you could use the model of the printer such as Dgen, Mtex or Regianni as the name for the appropriate.
Logging ink usage to Productivity Manager
One of the most powerful features of this software is the ability to log how much ink each print has used. This means you can accurately cost each print.
- In the Digital Print Rip, make sure the queue has stopped, then go to the Queue Menu > Page Layout.
- In the footer, add Ink Usage using the Dynamic Text function, circled below;
This information will then be displayed on the right hand side in the Productivity Manager.
Adding a substrate description
The description displayed in the Productivity Manager can be used to record which batch of substrate the file was printed onto. To add this information go to Queue Menu > Queue Settings, and enter your desired description in there;
This information will then be displayed under the ink usage in the Productivity Manager.