从颜色文件重新着色使用选定的颜色选择器重新着色 从活动调色板重新着色 从色板调色板重新着色色板调色板: 存储颜色并从中着色在布局窗口和 ColourSys 之间复制和粘贴颜色在布局窗口中复制和粘贴颜色交换颜色设计中两层之间的颜色在布局窗口中拖放颜色在布局窗口中对设计重新着色的方法与在设计窗口中对设计重新着色的方法非常相似。每种方法都有其自身的优点,您选择的方法完全取决于个人喜好。在布局窗口中着色有很多好处,包括能够并排查看多个色系、在色系之间拖放以及复制和粘贴颜色。
- 双击图层调色板中的第一个色卡。软件将自动切换到 ColourSys 并转到所选颜色文件中最接近的颜色。
- 在颜色文件中移动以找到所需的颜色,或输入参考名称以查找特定的颜色。
- 突出显示颜色文件中的一种颜色,然后单击“确定”。软件将自动切换回AVA,层芯片将显示新的颜色。
- 按住 ⌥(选项键)并单击色系调色板中的色卡之一。屏幕上将打开一个颜色选择器。如果选择器中的颜色从黑色开始,请增加亮度条以显示更明亮的颜色。
- 在选择器周围移动光标或更改窗口中的设置以选择新颜色。您在窗口中单击的颜色将在设计中同时更新,因此无需指定颜色,直到您喜欢其在设计中的效果。
要对颜色进行微调,请按住 ⌥(选项键),同时在色域周围拖动光标。
- 单击“确定”接受所选颜色。新颜色将被命名为“Picker”,因为它是从颜色选择器中选择的。
使用 AVA RGB 选择器选择的颜色可以通过重复该过程进行微调。按住 ⌥(选项键)并单击相同的色卡可重新进入颜色选择器并调整您选择的颜色。选取器中标记的位置与您之前单击“确定”时的位置相同(基于软校样显示器 RGB 值),因此您可以稍微移动它以对您选择的颜色进行微调。单击“确定”,颜色将会更新。
- 单击所选工具,然后单击并向下单击色系调色板中的色卡。
- 按住光标的同时,在调色板上拖动以选择颜色。所选颜色将在调色板中突出显示,释放光标后图层颜色将发生变化。
您无需保存调色板,因为对其所做的更改会保存在后台,并在每次启动软件时恢复。您只能拥有一个色板,但您可以调整其中存储的颜色数量,最多 2500 个色板。如果您想与同事和客户共享颜色信息,您需要将颜色保存到颜色文件中。
第一次打开调色板时,它是空的,但是向其中添加颜色非常容易。使用色板调色板时,AVA 和 ColourSys 中常见的所有着色技术均适用。您几乎可以从任何地方拖放颜色。您可以通过按住 ⌥(选项键)并单击色块并从颜色选择器中选择新颜色来进行着色,也可以双击打开活动颜色文件。
您可以通过按住 ^(控制键)并单击窗口中的某个色块来将颜色名称、Lab 或 CMYK 信息添加到所有色块中。上下文菜单中任何这些项目旁边的勾号表示它正在显示。
在布局窗口和 ColourSys 之间复制和粘贴颜色
You can copy colours from the colourway palette in the Layout Window, to a colour file in ColourSys. This is useful when drag and dropping the colour would prove difficult. For example, you may find it hard to arrange the Layout Window and your colour file on your screen so that you can see both at the same time. This is, of course necessary if you were to drag and drop.
Copying and pasting the colours removes the need to arrange your windows in any specific way.
- Activate the colour you wish to copy in the palette. The colour will become highlighted with a blue outline.
- Go to Edit Menu > Copy, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘C
- Go into ColourSys by clicking on its icon in the dock and activate the colour file you want to paste your colour into.
- Go to Edit Menu > Paste, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘V. A window will open. Enter the colour name and press OK. The colour chip will be added to your active colour file.
Colours in a design can be used to quickly create alternative colourways in the same design or in co-ordinating designs. This means you can experiment with the same colours on different layers and in different colourways. Copying and pasting is simplest when two or more colourways are visible in the Layout Window.
Copying one colour
- Add two colourways to the Layout Window.
- Click on the Selected Tool in the toolbar of the Layout Window, then click on the colour chip you want to copy.
- From the Edit Menu, select Copy, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘C.
- Click on the colour chip you want to paste this colour into in the next colourway.
- From the Edit Menu, select Paste, or use the keyboard shortcut command V.
Copying one colour to all the other colourways in the design
- Hold down ^ (control key) and click on the colour you want to copy. A contextual menu item will appear.
- From the menu which opens, select ‘Copy to other colourways’. The selected colour will be transferred to the same layer position for all other colourways in the design.
- Click through your other colourways to see the result. Alternatively, tile the colourways across your page to see all you colourways with the new colour in.
Copying more than one colour
- Click on one of the colour chips to be copied.
- Hold down ⇧ (shift key) and click on the other colours to be copied. They should all become highlighted.
- Go to Edit Menu > Copy, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘C.
- Select the same number of colours in the second colourway.
- Go to Edit Menu > Paste, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘V.
Copying and Pasting all colourways from one design to another
All of the colourways saved with a particular design can be copied and pasted to another design at once. This can be extremely helpful if, for example, you want to copy a complete range of colourways to a co-ordinating design.
- View your design in the Layout Window and make sure all the layers are visible and active.
- Highlight all the colour chips on the colourway.
- Go to Colourway Menu > Copy All Colourways.
- Open the design you wish to copy the colours to and open its Layout Window.
- Make all the layers visible and active.
- Highlight all the colour chips on the colourway.
- Go to Colourway Menu > Paste All Colourways.
Every colourway that you created in the original design will be transferred to the second design.
- 突出显示调色板中的两个色卡。如果您没有选择两个色块,或者选择了两个以上色块,则“交换配色”选项将在菜单中显示为灰色。
- 从配色菜单中,选择交换配色。
Colours can be dragged from a colour file, the Swatches Palette, the desktop, the Colourway Browser or from the colour palette of another colourway to the colour palette of a colourway in the Layout Window.
- Click and drag a colour from a colour file and drop it into a colour chip of the colourway you wish to recolour.
- Click and drag a colour from the Swatches Palette and drop it into a colour chip of the colourway you wish to recolour.
- Click and drag a colour from the Colourways Browser and drop it into a colour chip of the colourway you wish to recolour.
- Click and drag a colour from the colour palette of another colorway and drop it into a colour chip of the colourway you wish to recolour.
- Click and drag a colour from the desktop and drop it into a colour chip of the colourway you wish to recolour.