Downloads disponíveis

Downloads para AVA

Isso inclui: downloads de paletas - fluxos de trabalho automatizados AVA , ferramentas criativas, cenas de mapeamento de textura, pincéis e padrões. Eles são separados em seções de setores para ajudá-lo a obter os downloads mais apropriados para você.

Ações da paleta - Clique no ícone para baixar as paletas.


K separado, Têxtil de 8 cores, CMYK separado, CMY separado


Camadas pontuais > PSD, Alpha Channel TIFF, CMYK para spot, salvar todas as cores em 72 dpi


Tela de meio-tom, configuração de mesclagem, repetição de corte 1, pincel de re-renderização, Multi Grip


Coleção de efeitos de escovação


Vários modelos de layout e espinha de peixe comumente usados.


Efeitos de impressão de produção e automação de cores de imagem.

Efeitos criativos

Sombra projetada, contorno, impressão de superfície, relevo.

Pincéis padrão

Pincéis simples

Pincéis para criação de marcas e motivos

Pincéis Criativos Registrar pincéis

Padrões padrão


Pacote tecido e gráfico


Padrões de Animais




Textura 1


Textura 2


Textura 3




Downloads da indústria


Surfaces downloads Surfaces Palettes Functions Brushes Texture Mapping Scenes Brushes & Patterns...


Texture Mapping Scenes


Palette Actions



Separate K - separate the black in your design onto a new layer
8 Colour Textile - automated 8 colour HIFI separation
Separate CMYK - converts to CMYK spot layers
Separate CMY - converts to CMY spot layers


Spot Layers > PSD Layers - converts AVA spot layers to Photoshop® layers
Alpha Channel Tiff - saves as channels for Adobe® colouring
CMYK to Spot - converts a CMYK separation to spot layer for conventional separation
Save all Colourways at 72 dpi - as an RGB Jpeg file.

Creative Effects

Drop Shadow - adds a drop show effect to a selected spot layer.
OutLine - Makes and outline on a new layer of a selected spot layer.
Link Thickness - Makes the lines on a selected spot layer an even thickness.
Surface Print - Adds a Surface Print effect to selected spot layers.
Emboss - Adds an emboss effect to selected spot layers.






Textile downloads Textiles Palettes Texture Mapping Scenes Panel content Brushes & Patterns Pan...


Texture Mapping Scenes - Furnishings 


Texture Mapping Scenes - Bedding


Texture Mapping Scenes - Fashion 


Palette Actions

Separate K - Action moves the black in your design to a new layer, giving you a clean image for easier separations.
8 colour Textile - Automated 8 colour HIFI Separation.
Separate CMYK - Converts to CMYK Spot Layers.
Separate CMY - Converts to CMY Spot Layers.

Download the Textile Separation Palettes


Spot layers > PSD Layers - Converts AVA Spot Layers to Photoshop® Layers.
Alpha Channel TIFF - Saves as Channels for Adobe® colouring.
CMYK to Spot - Converts a CMYK Separation to spot layer for conventional separation.
Save all Colourways at 72dpi - As an RGB JPEG file.

Download the Textile Conversions Palettes


Halftone Screen - Applies a halftone screen raster to multiple layers at different angles. 
Blend setup - Sets up the Blend tool with appropriate settings.
Crop 1 repeat - At a set size, customise to your repeat size.
Re-Render Brush - redrawn lines with a vector then renders to get an even line thickness.
Multi Grip - Runs the grip on multiple layers in one step
  Download the Textile Functions Palettes
  Creative Brush effects
Collection of brushing effects - set from the palette including a reset brush action.
  Download the Textile Creative Brush effects Palettes




Revestimentos de parede

Wallcoverings downloads Wallcoverings Palettes Panel content Texture Mapping Scenes Panel content Brushes...


Texture Mapping Scenes


Palette Actions



Separate K - Action moves the black in your design to a new layer, giving you a clean image for easier separations.
8 colour Textile - Automated 8 colour HIFI Separation.
Separate CMYK - Converts to CMYK Spot Layers.
Separate CMY - Converts to CMY Spot Layers.
  Download the Wallcoverings Separation Palettes


Spot layers > PSD Layers - Converts AVA Spot Layers to Photoshop® Layers.
Alpha Channel TIFF - Saves as Channels for Adobe® colouring.
CMYK to Spot - Converts a CMYK Separation to spot layer for conventional separation.
Save all Colourways at 72dpi - As an RGB JPEG file.
  Download the Wallcoverings Conversion Palettes


Halftone Screen - Applies a halftone screen raster to multiple layers at different angles. 
Blend setup - Sets up the Blend tool with appropriate settings
Crop 1 repeat - At a set size, customise to your repeat size.
Re-Render Brush - redrawn lines with a vector then renders to get an even line thickness.
Multi Grip - Runs the grip on multiple layers in one step
Tracking checker - Helps to reveal potential tracking issues so you know what areas you need to amend.
  Download the Wallcoverings Function Palettes

Creative Effects

Drop Shadow - adds a drop show effect to a selected spot layer.
OutLine - Makes and outline on a new layer of a selected spot layer.
Link Thickness - Makes the lines on a selected spot layer an even thickness.
Surface Print - Adds a Surface Print effect to selected spot layers.
Emboss - Adds an emboss effect to selected spot layers.

Download the Wallcoverings Creative Effects




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