Développer des marbres et des textures

Créer vos propres textures à partir de zéro

Creating a marble/stone texture It is possible to create a marble or stone texture from scratch using some creati...

It is possible to create a marble or stone texture from scratch using some creative tools. You can very quickly fill up a design or add texture using this method


Note: These steps are just an example of how we would create a texture from scratch and not an exhaustive list.

Using filters to create texture

  1. Open your layout file and magic wand the mask you want to work with
  2. Add a new 8 bit layer
  3. Go to View Menu > Filter Browser
  4. Add a new filter set by clicking the + (plus button). 
  5. Choose your filter from the list - we recommend using the Clouds as a starting point, as this is a great way to add texture and granularity
  6. Click Apply to apply the texture

Using existing textures to make brushes and build your design

  1. Open a separated texture file 
  2. Look through each layer and look for interesting areas to turn into brushes. For more information on how to do this click here.  

    We recommend making a few different ones to balance the texture and make it look less CAD created. 

    To make these brushes look even better, we advise to increase the spacing to over 100% and also tick Rotate while Painting to give a more randomised effect. You can also make use of the Pressure Size and Pressure Density options if you are using a Wacom tablet.
  3. Snap to the mask in the tile layout file and start to paint with the new brushes, building up texture.

Tip: To break into the texture and create a more distressed pattern, try swapping the black and white chip and painting in white. 

Further manipulation of the layers

There are many other tools in AVA we can use to further manipulate and build up the texture. 

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