With Tangents Tool: Used to create selections, filled shapes, brush lines and vector shapes

This tool only works on vector layers

To access this tool, click down and hold on the fit points tool, then select with tangents from the drop down menu. This tool only works on vector layers and requires a slightly different drawing technique compared to the Fit Points Tool. 

As you plot the nodes on your vector layer you can instantly create curves by clicking the next point and dragging its handle into the desired position with a click and drag motion. The user continues to plot their shape using this click and drag motion and when the line is complete, simply press ⮐ (return key) to complete the vector.

  1. Begin drawing the vector by plotting the first two anchor points. On the second node, you can drag the handle into the desired position as shown in the picture below.

  2. When you click the third node, you will see your curve start to take shape. Drag its handle to suit your desired curve.

  3. Continue to plot your nodes and move the handles appropriately.
  4. Press ⮐ (return key) on the keyboard to complete the vector.

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