Troubleshooting 3D Designer

I need to show a higher emboss effect

The slider bar in the 3D Designer will go to 1000 microns, however if you need to simulate a higher structure you can type this in, see below.  You can also type in the level if you need to show a very specific height. 


Visualising am embossing effect at different stages

You can adjust the profile curve in the 3D Designer window as shown below to show how the emboss will look at different stages of the process.  On full designs while embossing you may need to stop the Mac®hine and clean the heads before continuing so you may want to know if what have been produced at that stage looks correct.

Above is 50% finished, below 60%.

Below is the simulation of the finished process.  You can save and load these curves if you always what to see the emboss structure at the same particular stages.

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