The nature of production with different inks, substrates and production processes means the tonal breakdown of colours can differ greatly. A solid colour can be exactly the same but as soon as that colour is printed with screened tone and production inks, its characteristics may differ greatly from that of a software’s digital breakdown.
A Tone DB is a colour file which contains the tonal breakdowns of each 100% chip and can contain an unlimited number of colours. Tone DBs can be added to at anytime, and play a vital role in AVA Production Colour Management, because when colours from a Tone BD are used to colour designs in AVA, tonal areas of the design will closely match the production prints.
- Make an alias of the ToneDB and put it in the following location: Documents > AVA > Startup Items.
- Set your substrate in AVA to the one in your ToneDB file.
- Go to AVA Menu > Settings > Overprinting and check your tonedb is selected in Production Ink Database
- Go to AVA Menu > Inspectors > Overprint and check the following settings:
- Set the Overprinting method to Reflectance 3 or 16 (usually 3).
- Set the Ink Breakdown to Production Tone DB.
- Set the Database Name to the Tonal Database you are using.
- Set the N value to that produced during the creation of the Tone DB:
When using a Tone DB you should always recolour your layers using colours from within the Tone DB colour file. Alternatively, you could use the Tone DB colour picker.