Viewing different colourways in the Layout Window

Place different colourways beside each other to help with recolouring

The buttons at the top of the Layers Palette provide quick and easy navigation through the colourways in the active design. The active colourway number is displayed between two arrows which are used to scroll through the colourways.

Regardless of whether you are in the Design Window or the Layout Window, one of the the easiest way to scroll through colourways is by using the arrow buttons in the Layers Palette:

You can also scroll through them by going to the Colourway Menu and choosing either Next or Previous. The Colourways Browser, which is opened by clicking on the second small coloured icon at the top of the Layers Palette, is also a quick and easy way of navigating through your colourways.

To change the visible colourway in the Layout Window, simply activate the colourway by clicking on it with the Origin Tool:

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Then use one of the options above to change the colourway.

Note: The colourway number in the Layers Palette and the colourway number at the top of each colourway in the Layout Window work in the same way. Both are used to display the currently selected colourway.

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