What is a PMM?
PMM stands for Printer Media (media used) Mode (printer settings - resolution, pass etc) and is Print Factory's calibration format. It encompasses all areas of calibration relevant to that printer and media from individual ink linearisation to total ink used (how much % of ink can be used on the media up to 400%) to the final output profile (printer profile).
Calibrator Application
Launch the application via the target icon in the toolbar at the top of the RIP window or via the Calibrator app itself (in your dock or the PrintFactory application folder). Note, that the RIP application needs to be running to get the full functionality from the the Calibrator app.
Starting a calibration
To begin a new calibration simply click the Printer Icon with green + symbol
Calibrator will ask you to choose the printer you wish to calibrate then click 'New'
Printer Settings
Once a printer has been selected, printer settings will be displayed. These will be different / relevant to different printer makes and models. Expect to see options such as resolution, pass rates, drying times, cutting, overprints, available ink set, basically any settings which are relevant to the colour of the print and the printer setup.
Profile Name & Info
Either choose an existing substrate or rename it to create a new one. You can also add in any extra notes as needed.
Media type:
- Frontlit: All opaque media such as vinyl & paper
- Backlit: Clear films and acetates
- Textile: Cottons, Silks etc
Print warm grey border: places a thick border around all charts which require reading with a spectro (step wedges, profiles). The border acts a trigger for the nozzles to get the ink flowing by the time it prints any important blocks of colour (useful to check all heads are printing correctly, however if strip reading can be a hinderance).
Profiling with PrintFactory Calibrator
The profile type can be chosen here with options of either PrintFactory Calibration OR 3rd Party (such as AVA PrinterCal Targets and icc).
1. Firstly make sure you choose a smoothing option and whether or not you wish to average the profile readings:

Smoothing: As with our own PrinterCal options for building profiles, this can help with particular rough profiles and their use, essentially balancing up the readings in a more uniform pattern. For the most part, especially for studio paper printers, keep as the default 'Normal'. Smoothing, removes any peaks in measurements caused by misreadings due to difficult to measure material. Often used in combination with averaging.
Averaging: will take various measurements of the same patch colour and calculate an average. For studio paper or any stable media and printer, no averaging is required, just keep as default '1'. Averaging can help to keep colour conversion stable for media such as textiles where the surface and print quality is perhaps not so stable.
2. Click Spectrophotometer and select your measuring instrument, patch size, conditions, ink and measurement type.
3. Ensure your page setup is correct for the media width.
4. Click print and it will send this file to your print queue.
5. The target will either print or hold depending on how you set the jobs to process. If the job holds, then right click on the job and select 'Start' to print the target.
6. Let the target dry for a brief period 10-15 mins before clicking 'Next' to go to the reading step.
Reading the PrintFactory Printed Target
The Calibrator wizard will take you to the reading window. Ensure you have your chosen spectro plugged in and click 'Measure'. Calibrator will take you through the relevant process to calibrate the instrument. Once calibrated, Calibrator will highlight in orange the first chip top left, indicating it is ready to read.
Readings will appear in the bottom diagonal half of each colour chip as you read. You can zoom in on the chart for a better view by click the small + - options bottom left of the chart preview. Example shown only to show the target colours/readings.
Multiple Page Reads
If your chart is split into multiple pages, tabs (page 1, 2, 3 etc) will appear matching the header page reference on your prints. Once you follow the steps and finish Page 1, you must click on the Page 2 tab header and repeat the same steps for Page 2. Repeat as necessary with subsequent pages (It does not automatically move to page 2).
When all pages are done, it is good to flick through the tabs just to visually see that the colour red is relevant to the colour expected. Obviously the two halves of the chips will not match, however you will clearly see, for example, if you have read in the wrong page.
Click export and save the measurements.
Then click next and it builds the profile
The new PMM will then be added to the list:
Note, The process can vary slightly depending on the printer and options selected when you start to make your PMM.
For more information and help with Print Factory please go to help.printfactory.cloud from your default browser.