Default Notes Settings : Adding notes to .ava4 files

Adding notes which are then searchable in the Finder Window

A considerable amount of useful information can be automatically attached to new files via this pane. It provides a convenient way to record details such as the author, the company, and the copyright details. This default information will then be applied to all newly created documents. 

Open the Notes from the File Menu. In this window, you can access existing file information (applied from these Settings ) and specific document notes can be added to the active design. These notes will be appended to the Default Notes.

The date of creation (not available in the Default Notes Window) is automatically recorded in the Creation Date field. You can click on the Today button beside it to automatically set it to today’s date or type in or use the arrows adjoining the Creation Date field to alter the selected date.

The Notes Window will enhance your design management in terms of file location and exchange. Notes are automatically saved with the file as long as it is in AVA format, and can then be searched on using the Finder.

If you use AVA Colour, you can use Dynamic Text to display the Notes in the Layout Window.

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