Paste Into / Behind: Paste motifs and textures into and behind active selections

Create special effects in your design using these advanced selection techniques

Paste Into and Paste Behind allow selected areas of designs to be pasted into specific areas of other designs. This is useful for mocking up designs on garment shapes or pasting textures around motifs. 

This method works on both images and layers, but make sure you use either images or layers. Do not attempt to copy a layer on to an image or vice versa as this will not work due to the different bit depths.

Copying and pasting textures into and behind selections

  1. Open two designs with the same resolution, such as a texture and a motif layout.
  2. Activate the texture design and choose Edit Menu > Select All.
  3. Go to Edit Menu > Copy.
  4. Activate the motif layout design and select the area where the texture is to be added (such as a plain background area).
  5. Ensure the same number and type of layers are active in the motif file and choose Edit Menu > Paste Into. The texture design will appear on the second design in the selected areas only.

With certain designs it is easier to select the areas where the texture is not wanted. In this situation, you should make the selection and go to Edit Menu > Paste Behind instead. The texture will still appear in the correct place because it is being pasted everywhere except the selected area.

Changing the position of a pasted texture

Paste Into and Paste Behind work by pasting the first pixel of the source design into the first pixel of the selection in the destination design. The remainder of the selection is filled with the rest of the source design. However, if the source file is larger than the destination selection, you may want to see a different part of the source design in the selected area. It is therefore possible to move the source design once you have pasted into or behind the selection. 

  1. Follow the method for Pasting Into and keep the pasted texture active and selected.
  2. Choose one of the selection tools and position the cursor inside the design.
  3. Click and hold down the cursor and drag the design to the desired position. You will see the texture move around within the selected area as you drag.

The Movie

Stepping up a pasted texture

If you have only copied and pasted a small piece of your texture design into the selected area of the destination design, it may not fill the area completely. To fill the selected area you may need to Step out and Repeat the pasted section.

  1. Follow the method for Pasting Into and keep the pasted texture active and selected.
  2. Go to Edit Menu > Step & Repeat.
  3. Enter the number of repeats required across and down and click OK.
  4. The texture will step out to fill the selected design area.

Note: If you are stepping up a texture with any repeat drop other than a straight repeat, make sure you enter From -1 Down in the relevant field. This will prevent any white gaps from appearing on the design.

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