Reversing the direction of a vector

When a vector is activated, it displays a small blue arrow to indicate the direction in which it was drawn. It is important to pay attention to the direction of vectors if you intend to use the Blend feature (Vector Menu), as this only works effectively when the two vector lines you are blending are drawn in the same direction.

1642777427886-Reverse vector a.png

This is a useful indicator for using features such as Blend and Offset, which work in different ways depending on the direction they were created in.

  1. Draw two vectors in opposite directions.

    1642777452245-Reverse vector b.png
  2. Go to Vector Menu > Blend… Select ‘Intermittent’ as the ‘Type of Blending Curves’, and specify the number of vectors to want to use in the blend, and press OK.  You will see results similar to this:

    1642777471591-Reverse vector c.png
  3. If this is not the desired result, undo this blend, and reverse one of the vectors by going to Vector > Reverse. It does not matter which one you reverse. Both vectors will now be facing the same direction.

  4. Blend the vectors again. The results are often more desirable when vectors are drawn in the same direction.

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