Vignette Tool: Create a tonal fade on images and layers

Creating gradients through an entire document or selected area

This tool is used to create a tonal fade on images and layers. Vignettes, which are sometimes referred to as ombres, can be applied across an entire design or within selected areas. On image layers, the gradient fades from the foreground colour to the background colour set in the Tools Palette. On a layer the gradient fades in tonal value from the chosen layer colour to white. The inbuilt Gamma Window provides complete tonal control of your gradients.

Drawing vignettes

Click on the Vignette Tool in the Tools Palette or press V on the keyboard to automatically select the tool. The type of vignette can also be selected directly in the Tools Palette by clicking and holding on the tool.

This tool has a floating settings window where you can change the type of gradient you draw, and edit the tonal movement it uses throughout the gradient.

Vignette types

  • Linear - creates a linear fade in the direction that you drag. The point at which you begin dragging your vignette is set to 100% tone on a layer, or the exact colour in the Foreground Colour box on an image. The point where you stop dragging the vignette line is set to 0% tone on a layer, or the colour in the Background Colour box on an image. Holding down ⇧ (shift key) while you drag the vignette will constrain the linear fade to horizontal, vertical or diagonal 45 ̊ angles.

  • Circle - creates circular fades from the centre of the circle outwards (the length of your drag determines the radius of the circle). The point at which you begin dragging your vignette is set to 100% tone on a layer, or the exact colour in the Foreground Colour box on an image, as long as you use a straight gamma. The point where you stop dragging the vignette is set to 0% tone on a layer, or the colour in the Background Colour box on an image. The tonal or colour information (depending on your layer type) which is applied to the Linear and Circle vignette types can be controlled further using the gamma. Change the gamma curve and redraw your gradient. You can create some very interesting affects.

  • Shape dark to light - creates an irregular shaped fade within a selection. The fade follows the shape of the selection and the size of the vignette fade is determined by the length of your drag. Dragging a long vignette line within the selection will create a large fade which fills more of the shape, whereas a short vignette line will create more of an outline effect, just following the edges of the shape. The pictures below show examples of long and short drags with the vignette.

    When using the dark to light setting, the 100% tone of the layer is applied closest to the edges of the shape and the 0% tone is applied in the centre of the shape. On an image, the foreground colour is applied to the edges and the background colour is applied at the centre. This is effectively the reverse of the way the Linear and Circle settings use colour and tone. If you wish to reverse the effect of the shape vignette after applying it, simply choose Edit > Invert while the shape is still selected to switch the colours or tones around.

  • Shape light to dark - Works in the same way is the previous method but the 0% tone of the layer is applied closest to the edges of the shape and the 100% tone is applied in the centre of the shape. For optimal control, drag the fade from the centre of your selection towards the edges.

Applying noise to vignettes | gradients

Controlled by a slider bar, the Noise setting applies a noise effect to the vignette to break up the tones and smooth out any potential banding. When vignettes are engraved for printing, the break down in tones or colours can appear as blocks rather than smooth gradations, so an effect known as noise can be added to reduce any visual distortion.  Set the Noise level by dragging the slider bar or entering the amount required.

Controlling the tonal movement within the vignette | gradient

The Gamma Pane controls how the tone moves throughout the vignette | gradient.  

Live mode

Create quick and smooth gradations, using the live editor in your Vignette settings window. With this option ticked, you gain the ability to observe any changes made to the curve live on screen, allowing for precise and instant adjustment.

To set up your Vignette Tool to display live changes, simply select the Vignette Tool in your Tools Palette and tick the Live setting in the bottom left corner of the popup window.

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