Multi Point Pipette: See information for selected areas in a document

Measure tones from different areas of the design

Enhance the speed and precision of image and separation rebalancing, using the combination of your Info Window and the Multi Point Pipette Tool. By selecting numerous points in the design, useful information such as tone density can be displayed for each area, allowing quick comparison and simultaneous adjustment if necessary.

Enhance the speed and precision of image and separation rebalancing using the combination of your Info Window and the Multi Point Pipette Tool. By enabling the selection of numerous points throughout the design, useful information such as tone density can be displayed for each area, allowing quick comparison and simultaneous adjustment if necessary.

To set multiple points in your document, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Activate the Pipette Tool by clicking on the icon in your Tools Palette.
  2. In the Pipette Tool settings window, select the option marked with a plus symbol.

  3. Click on the areas of the design you wish to mark with a point. A numbered pin will appear at each point you click on.
  4. Go to Window Menu > Info.
  5. In your Tools Palette, activate all the layers you wish to see in the Info Window. They will appear in numbered columns, correlating to layer order. Note that only the information for the selected layers will be displayed.

Deleting single points in your design

  1. In the Pipette Tool settings window, activate the icon marked with a minus symbol.

  2. Click on the pin(s) you wish to remove.

Deleting all set points

In the Pipette Tool settings window, click on the icon marked with a trash can.

All points will be removed with one click.


Note: Multiple pipettes are not saved in the document, so if you close a document with multiple pipettes in, and re-open it, the pipettes will not be there.

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