Our message system allows for a user-friendly method of keeping in contact with you, as it allows us to send quick, direct messages straight to your workstation.
The ‘AVA Status’ icon can be found in your system menu bar which will allow us to send messages which can be viewed at your convenience, rather than relying on immediate contact. When you receive a message, a Mac®OS notification appears and a red badge will appear on the AVA status bar. You can then choose whether to interact with this or have a look at a more convenient time.
This means that you can choose how and when to interact with our messages and advice. The messaging system also provides a quick way to see if there is any important information regarding; AVA software updates, Technical Bulletins, or even if we’re visiting your local area.
As well as appearing in your system menu bar, a notification will also appear on the AVA application icon in the Dock: