Select Warnings: Selecting problematic areas of a design

Select areas where to tone is too high or too low to produce

You can make a selection from the warning areas on a design. This makes a selection of all colours that are out of gamut or all tones in a design that are above or below a certain percentage threshold.

  1. Open the Warnings Inspector from AVA Menu  > Inspectors > Warnings
  2. Set the High or Low tone warning (or both) to your desired percentage(s).

  3. In the View Menu, make sure Show Tone Warnings is switched on.
  4. Go to Edit Menu > Select > Warnings. A selection appear around the low / high tone warning(s) on the last visible layer.

  5. Go to Edit Menu > Gamma to alter the low tones within the selection to bring them to within tolerance. 

Note: Only the tones on the last visible layer will be selected. The coloured warning area does not have to be visible in the design window to be able to select it.

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