In addition to saving your colours in the standard file format used by AVA ColourSys, you can also export your colours in a range of different formats.
To do this, go to File Menu > Export To.
- AVA Text Format - is a tab-delimited text format suitable for import into a spreadsheet for further processing of the colour data.
- .QTX Format - is one of the colour interchange formats used by Datacolor systems.
- D65 10 ̊ Lab Format - gives tab-delimited lab values calculated under d65 illuminant, 10 degree observer. Useful for data import into other colour systems.
- .ase Format - is the Adobe® Swatch Exchange, a colour file format understood by Adobe® software such as Photoshop®™
- .CxF Format - is an industry standard for colour interchange. In ColourSys you can open an array of this widely used file type.
Enter a name for the file being created and select the destination folder the file is to be saved to. A file will be created in the chosen format.