Printing Opaque White on Mimaki JV3

Normally an Inkjet printer prints all colours at the same time, so the inks mix on the substrate. The Mimaki JV3 has a special printing mode which allows two of the eight cartridges to be used to print a separate layer of ink either under or over the other 6 colours. This can be used to print a spot colour either before or after the other colours are printed.

To enable the opaque white print mode on AVA Digital Print RIP, set JV3 as the printer and choose Queue > Printer Settings.

Choose from one of the three mode options:

  • None - The Mimaki JV3 behaves like an eight colour printer.
  • Under - The white inks are printed under all the other colours.
  • Over - The white inks are printed over all the other colours.

Then choose the level used. The level selects the drying time allowed between the white layer and the other inks. Higher numbers allow for more drying time but will print more slowly.

In order to print a design with a white ink layer, you need to specify where the white ink goes on the print while still being able to colour manage the rest of the print.

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