Crop marks are required when your printed substrate will be put through a cutting Mac®hine such as the Fotoba XLD170 WP Automatic Cutter outlined later in this manual. They guide the Mac®hine in where to cut. The AVA Digital Print Rip enables you to put cut marks around your design automatically.
- In the AVA Digital Print Rip, go to Queue Menu > Crop Marks Layout… The following window will open:
- Horizontal Crop Marks inside header and footer - places the crop marks inside any headers and footers you may have set
- Vertical Crop Marks inside head test strips - places the crop marks inside the head test strips if you have chosen to print these down the edges of your print
- Style - choose the style of crop marks you prefer to use
- Top - choose whether to have one or two crop marks at the top of your design. In the snapshot below, there will be no space applied between the top border of the page and the first crop mark. The crop mark will be 2mm thick. Then there will be a 2mm gap between the crop mark and the design. In this example, there is not a second crop mark
- Stripe channel - specify which channel is used to draw the crop mark, and at which tonal level
- Gap channel - specify which channel is used to print the gap between the crop marks, and at which tone. This is only necessary when printing onto reflective or transparent substrate.
- Left - up to two crop marks can be applied to the left of the design. In the snapshow below a 2mm border has been applied between the edge of the paper and the first crop mark. A 2mm wide crop mark will print, and there will be no gap between the crop mark and the design.
- Right - up to two crop marks can be applied to the right of the design. In the snapshot below a 2mm gap will be applied between the design and the crop mark, then a 2mm crop mark will print. There will be no space between the crop mark and the border of the page. In both cases, the user has chosen not to print a second crop mark.
- Bottom - choose whether to have up to two crop marks at the bottom of your design. In the snapshot below a 4mm gap will be applied between the bottom of the design and the first crop mark. Then a 2mm crop mark will print, then a 6mm border will be applied before a second crop mark of 2mm is printed. There will be no space between the second crop mark and the bottom of the page.