Layout Window Palettes: Advanced Layout Window templates in a single click

Smart, pre-made Layout Templates

Instantly improve your presentation style in a single click with these great looking, pre-made Layout templates. For your convenience, the templates include and give a great introduction into more advanced Layout techniques such as Dynamic Text and an aesthetically pleasing horizontal colour palette. The included Dynamic Text within each layout automates the population of key information such as document name, colourway details, design scale, printer profile and substrate for each given design.

How to use the Layout Window Palettes

Since a Layout Window can be either linked to an open design document (Window > Layout) or stand-alone for embedding (File > New > Layout Document), the supplied Palettes can be used in the following way:

With a design document

In this scenario, clicking a Palette will automatically open the Layout Window for the focused design document and automatically populate the template objects with direct link to the design and its relevant colourways.

Without a design document

In this scenario, clicking a Palette will open a stand-alone Layout Window and automatically populate the template objects. With no direct link to a specific design, the design objects will be blank and yellow in colour. Objects can then be populated by opening the required design documents in AVA and right clicking on a blank object in the Layout Window. The contextual menu will show all available open design documents at the top of the list. Selecting one will populate the design object as well relevant colour palettes and dynamic text.


Note: To customise the Dynamic Text information shown (should you require more or less detail), please refer to our article 'Dynamic Text: Generate specific information linked to a colourway object in the Layout Window'

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