Using the Filter Browser to improve weave simulations

Apply filters to improve the accuracy of weave simulations

The Filter Browser allows you to create filter effects and apply them to your designs at a later date. We have included an example of its use for creating a brushed finishing effect with a weave design.

Creating a brushed fabric effect

  1. Open your weave design and apply your favourite weave simulation.
  2. Go to Layer Menu > Filter Browser. The Filter Browser window will open.
  3. To create a new filter set to use with your weave simulation, click on the Action menu at the bottom of the window and choose New Filter Set.
  4. Highlight the Untitled item which has been added at the top of the window and enter a relevant name for the filter you are creating, such as brushed cotton or felted wool for example.
    In the section underneath the filter name, you will notice an item named Blur Gaussian… which contains several settings and buttons.
    This is what controls how your filter set will work. These settings can be changed and more filters and filter sets can be added as you work.
  5. Change Blur Gaussian… to Brush and enter the required settings for the Brush effect. Choose the type of brush strokes you wish to apply based on the preview of the filter which you can see over the design. Try out different settings until you achieve the effect you want.
  6. Try adding another effect to your filter set by clicking on the + button to the left of the Brush Filter. The second effect could be another brush stroke going in a different direction perhaps, or maybe a slight blur to create a felted appearance - the choice is yours!

  7. When you are happy with the effect you have created, click Apply to fix the previewed affect to the design.

Note: The filter set you have created will remain in the Filter Browser and can be used from now on with any other designs and simulations.

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