Step and Repeat Browser: Repeating motifs throughout a file or selection

Creating all over repeats from a single motif

The Step & Repeat Browser is a floating window, meaning the window stays open whilst you work out your repeats and you are able to see the changes made in this window applied to your design in real time. It is also ideal for working on complicated repeats as the Step & Repeat Browser does some of the maths for you.

Before using the browser, make a snapped selection of the motif you wish to repeat throughout your design. Good practice is to move the motif into the top left of the design using the Edit Menu > Select > Move function. This can be done quickly using the keyboard shortcut ⌥ ⌘ , (comma).

Then, open the Step and Repeat Browser from the Edit Menu.

The movie



This is the distance you wish to be applied between the centres of the motifs once repeated. When you first open the Step & Repeat Browser, the values in these fields will represent the actual height and width of your selected motif, and when used for the final repeat, will produce an edge-to-edge repeat between your motifs.

To apply a space, simply increase this value by the amount you wish the space to be.  For example, looking at the previous snapshot, if we wish to add a 0.5 cm space between the motifs, we would increase the height value to 3.1, and the down value to 3.4.


Fitting options

Rather than specify the spacing between the motifs, you may wish to simply specify how many times you want your motif to repeat throughout either your document, or within a selected area.

These options are found in the action menu located to the left of the Spacing values.

  • Set From Selection - sets the spacing values to that of the currently selected motif
  • Fit to document - allows the user the specify how many times they would like their selected motif to repeat throughout the document. When selected, this option opens another window, allowing you to enter your desired number of repeats:The Step & Repeat Browser then works out the spacing for you in, and repeats your motif accurately throughout your design.
  • Fit to Selection - allows the user to repeat a copied motif accurately throughout a selected area, and requires a specific workflow:

How to use Fit to Selection

  1. Make a snapped selection of your motif (use one of the selections tools such as the Lasso Tool to draw around the motif, then select Edit Menu > Select > Snap).

  2. Then select Edit Menu > Copy, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ C.
  3. Then select Edit Menu > Cut, or use the keyboard shortcut ⌘ X. This removes the motif and selection from your file.
  4. Using a selection tool of your choice, select the area you want to repeat the motif into.
  5. Open the Step & Repeat Browser from the Edit Menu.
  6. From the Fitting Options action menu, select Fit to Selection, and enter the number of repeats you want and click OK.

  7. Now, go the Edit Menu > Paste Into. This places the copied motif into the top left hand corner of that selection, and the original selection is hidden from view.

  8. In the Step & Repeat Browser, click the relevant Mirror button (explained in more detail at later in this section.) For a straight repeat, click the button furthest left:
  9. Your motif will be repeated throughout your selection:


Repeat drop

Used to set the required drop in your repeat. The action menu to the right of the drop values contains preset ¼, ⅓ and ½ drops. Alternatively, you could enter your own manually into the Drop dialogue boxes.


Repeat quantities

Used to set the number of repeats you want to go across the page. There are two columns, From and To.
  • From - used to specify how many repeats you would like to go to the left, and ‘up’ from the currently placed motif.  It assumes the top left hand corner of the selected motif is the 0,0 origin, and therefore any movement to the left and up would be negative numbers on the ruler. Because of this, these fields only accept negative numbers.

Note: If you are applying a drop to the repeated motifs such as a ½ drop, you need to enter -1 into the Down / From dialog box.  This repeats the motif up once, and fills in the gap which would otherwise have been caused by the ½ drop:

Without the -1 in the Down / From dialog box:

With the -1 in the Down / From dialog box:

If you are using an Across drop, you would need to enter -1 into the Across / From dialog box.

  • To - used to specify how many repeats you would like to go to the right, and ‘down’ from the currently placed motif.


The Step & Repeat Browser will calculate approximate repeat sizes for you, which may aid the use of the Fitting Options described in the previous tab.

  • Calculate number in document - automatically calculates approximate repeat quantities within the document size, based on the current Spacing values
  • Calculate number in selection - automatically calculates approximate repeat quantities within a selected area, based on the current Spacing valuesBoth options will insert the approximate calculations into the Repeat: Across and Down fields. These values can then be considered when deciding on the Fitting Options described above.
  • Scale to Fit - automatically rescales your selected motif to create a butt-fit repeat with its neighbouring motifs


The icons here let you create symmetrical designs such as scarves and napkins quickly and easily. Designs can be mirrored down the centre, horizontally or vertically, using the appropriate buttons in the Repeat Window.

Creating a block repeat

The first button is on as default and produces a block repeat. Essentially the mirrors are switched off when this option is selected:

Creating a vertical repeat

The second button produces a vertical repeat:

Creating a horizontal repeat

The third button produces a vertical repeat:

Creating vertical and horizontal repeats

The fourth button repeats your design both horizontally and vertically:

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