When the AVA RGB picker is open, you can use the HSL, CMY or RGB sliders to pick new colours. Two colour chips display the original and new colour in the top left of the window. The whole window can be resized, giving you a larger area to pick colours from.
The AVA RGB Picker remembers automatically the last mode (HSL, CMY or RGB) used when selecting a colour so the slider bars always work the way you want them to.
To allow compatibility with other software programmes, you can choose the range of numbers used to represent the RGB values. This option is situated on the right of the RGB value fields.
The range offers three options:
- 100 - this option will display the values from 0 to 100. This format is similar to the one used in the Apple®RGB picker
- 255 - this option will display the values from 0 to 255. This format is similar to the one used in the Adobe® Photoshop®™ picker
- 65535 - this option will display the values from 0 to 65535. This format is the standard range used in the AVA RGB picker