Brushes Library: Saving and sharing custom made brushes

Understanding the Brushes Library

The Brushes Library can be opened from the Window Menu, or by double clicking on the Brush Tool in the Tools Palette. It contains a small selection of default brushes but change the properties of these brushes, delete them, or make your own.

Viewing options

Brushes can be viewed in either Table or List mode, by clicking on the buttons next to the action menu near the top right of the library.

In table view, each individual brush can be seen clearly in a grid format, giving a good overview of the brushes you have to choose from. Choose either small, medium or large from the Brush Palette action menu to alter the size that the brushes are displayed in the window. Brushes that are too large to be shown in full are automatically zoomed down to fit the cell size selected.

In List view, brushes are named and sorted either Alphabetically or by Size in a list format. The Sort order is selected from the action menu options: Sort by Name and Sort by Size. The Width, Height and total pixel Size of each brush are displayed in the list.

How to delete a brush from the library

  • Click on a brush that is no longer needed (or several brushes using the ⌘ (command) key.
  • Choose Remove from the Brushes Library action menu. The brush(es) will disappear from the library.

Duplicating brushes

  • Click on a brush that you wish to duplicate (or several brushes using the ⌘ (command) key.
  • Choose Duplicate from the Brushes Library action menu. The highlighted brush(es) will be duplicated and the new ones will be added at the bottom of the window.

How to save and load brushes (ideal for sharing!)

You can save brushes in AVA and load them on to another computer. This is very useful if you have created your own set of customised brushes and wish to share them with a colleague.

  1. Highlight any brushes to be saved. Use the ⌘ key to select more than one brush.
  2. Choose Save Selected from the Brushes Library action menu and save them to your desktop.
  3. Copy the brush file which is created to another workstation.
  4. Launch AVA on the other computer and choose Load from the Brushes Library action menu. The loaded brushes will be added to the current set.

Available in AVA 5.8 +

The Brushes Window has had an interface refresh for AVA 5.8 for enhanced usability. 

  • Pressure Size and Pressure Density have been moved to the global controls for ease of access, and can now be added to a Palette.
  • Drop down menu for using a filter with a brush has been updated with a drop down box, so it's easier to find. 



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