Nothing happens when I try to paint
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- Add Button

Also check that you do not have the Mover window not open.
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- Add Button

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- Add Button

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- Add Button

If you do, please select Brush from the top of the filter list and try painting again.
Also in this window check that the Transparency is 0%
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- Add Button

Why is my Filter Browser empty?
The Filter Browser is empty when AVA is installed on new systems because the idea behind our Filter Browser is the user creates the filters themselves using the New Filter Set option in the Action Menu. You can also Save and Load your filters from one computer to another using the same menu.
I’m trying to use a tonal brush but there is no tone when I paint.
Check you are painting on an 8 bit layer. This should be displayed in the layers palette text on the actual active layer. If no such text exists, go to AVA Menu > Settings > Layer Palette > Layer Text > Tick Depth then click ok. Layer text should say the bit depth. Either add a new 8 bit layer if painting on a blank layer or change the depth of the active layer (Layer Menu > Change Depth > 8 bit).
I can't move my selection
To move a selected area, you must have one of the Selections Tools selected. Then, simply click inside the selection and drag to its new location.
A common mistake is to select the Origin Tool instead. This tool is only used to change the origin of layers, and to move Partial Images.