Creating new documents in AVA

How to create a new file in AVA

New designs can be created at virtually any size and resolution. When creating a new document it is worth noting that some dimension and resolution combinations do not work. 

If you make your new document at 64 cm with a resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch), this simply does not work mathematically. However, a resolution of 254 dpi will, as this converts to 100 dots per centimetre.  File sizes created in inches will work with any dpi.  File sizes created in centimetres will work with any doc (dots per centimetre). 

  1. Go to File Menu > New > Document. An Untitled window will open with a sheet attached.

  2. Enter the size and resolution and select the mode required for the new design.

    • Across and Down - select the units you prefer from the pop up menus next to the across and down fields and enter the dimensions you need for the new design.
    • Xres and Yres - when creating a new design the resolution must be set. Enter the same numbers in the xres and yres fields, unless you are creating a weave design. Weavers use different X and Y resolutions

      A high resolution provides detail and smooth lines in the design and the final print. However, the higher the resolution the more disk space is required to store the design.

      As a general rule, designers working in centimetres use a resolution of 254 dots per inch which is 100 dots per centimetre. This resolution achieves a balance between a good level of detail and file sizes that are not excessively large. It is also the resolution generally used by the Stork laser engraver. If you are not sure what resolution to enter don’t worry, it can always be changed later.

    • Mode - select the type of information you would like to work with in the design. Most of the options available come in different bit depths.

      Bit depth determines the number of colours that can be shown on the screen at any one time. 8 bit images use 256 colours. This is not sufficient for most designs, so it is not advisable to create 8 bit images because design quality will be reduced. 16 bit images use 32 thousand colours. This is acceptable for some textile scans, but nowadays this setting is not used. 24 bit images are generally the preferred choice as they use 16 million colours. This is the best setting to use if you wish to work with an RGB image.

    • Maintain Resolution - this box preserves the selected resolution and will adjust the dimensions slightly to suit. If you leave this option unticked and use a dimension and resolution combination which does not work mathematically, the resolution will be altered slightly to fit within the dimensions of the file.

  3. Click OK. A brand new blank AVA document will be created to your chosen specifications.

    You are now ready to start creating your design. Each tool is explained in its own article, and the links to each tool can be found in the The Tools Palette article.

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